How To Deal With Angry People

How To Deal With Angry People – Knowing how to respond when it’s your turn to feel their anger will only help.

You’ll learn 11 tips to not only survive angry people when they lose their temper, but to help them grow (even if you can’t see it).

How To Deal With Angry People

How To Deal With Angry People

While we all deal with anger from time to time, there are some people who use anger as armor, or who often erupt into anger.

How To Deal With Angry People

Arizona licensed psychologist Lynne Namka said, Ed. D., “The angry energy of self-indulgence is as contagious as a nasty virus.

You can infect your family through one member and pass it on to others. Everyone is affected by the anger of their social system and manifests it in their own unique way, whether it’s silently cowering in resentment or taking out the anger on others.

Angry people may have valid reasons to be upset, but those reasons don’t make it easier for those of us on the receiving end of bad moods.

It’s not hard to tell when a person is angry. You’ve already felt his eager anger or a more subtle jab, and you know exactly what to look for. But just in case, here are some behaviors.

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Do you want to know how to deal with someone who is always angry? An angry person can make you reluctant to speak up and respond to their anger. It can be scary when a hotheaded person blows steam in your direction.

In general, you may not be an angry person, but it is valuable to examine your own reactions to the anger of others.

If you respond to anger with anger, you are allowing others to control you. You have to take responsibility for your own anger in order to deal clearly with the anger of others.

How To Deal With Angry People

“Knowing your own darkness is the best way to deal with the darkness of others.” – Carl Jung

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Find out the deeper reasons why you are reacting to angry people. What made him angry with you? Why did it affect him so deeply?

By simply getting to know yourself, you can better master your emotions and deal with others in a more emotionally intelligent way.

It’s hard to feel empathy or understanding when you’re around an angry person or just become the recipient of an angry outburst.

You just want to get out of the way or let them know what an idiot they are.

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When you feel your blood start to boil in response to his anger, take a deep breath and remember that you are the master of your emotions. Then remember that there is always something painful or sick behind anger.

Angry people feel unhappy, resentful, hurt, and misunderstood. Even if they are narcissistic or controlling, they know their behavior is unpleasant and unpleasant.

Being an angry person is not fun. This can be very painful and isolating. Try to see the hurt, insecure, fearful child behind the anger. Look for pain or heartache that makes someone rude, impatient, and sarcastic.

How To Deal With Angry People

Also, keep in mind that anger is often a learned behavior that becomes an ingrained habit over time. If you have any bad habits, you know what it’s like to break them, and how bad you feel when you don’t make the effort to break them.

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These angry habits cause people to ignore their own responsibility for their pain and lash out at others in an attempt to make themselves feel better.

On a whim, you can try various strategies to deal with angry people or to lessen their anger. Some of these methods can backfire and only provoke the other person’s anger.

In return, getting angry not only fuels the other person’s anger, but also robs you of your dignity and self-control. Do what you can to stay calm and control your emotions.

Confronting them with their inappropriate behavior during an outbreak, even in a measured way, only makes them more angry. Also tell them to “calm down” or “relax”.

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Don’t try to hug them or show pity, as they may feel you are condescending or ignore their feelings.

If you’re someone trying to appease an angry person to calm them down or prevent their anger from getting worse, you’re just training them to use anger to do whatever they want.

For some highly sensitive people, experiencing someone’s anger can be very uncomfortable. Angry people will smell this and use your sensitivity to control your behavior.

How To Deal With Angry People

You have to train yourself to remember that only anger can’t hurt you. It’s just an expression of emotion, and while uncomfortable, it’s not necessarily threatening unless you allow it.

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Of course, if someone expresses anger through physical violence, that’s a cause for panic and a cause for complete alienation from that person.

But don’t let others control you with raised voices, loud demands, and angry comments. Stand your ground like a school bully.

If you know you’re about to meet someone who is easily angered, be prepared and protect yourself from emotional reactions by looking at the person differently.

A recent study from Stanford University shows that when we try to understand the reasons behind the behavior of angry people, we are less likely to get angry ourselves.

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Look at the angry person in another way; for example, consider that she just got fired, someone in the family died, or she had a really bad day that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

You can even preemptively wait for the anger of a normally angry person before encountering it. It denies the potential for your own angry response.

Angry people often just need an outlet to vent their pain. They want to be heard and recognized. They want others to know how they have been hurt, abused or misunderstood.

How To Deal With Angry People

Sometimes you just have to say, “I know you’re upset about this. I can say you’re upset.”

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This realization can unleash another wave of anger, which is a call to simply say, “I hear you.” An angry person may feel frustrated that you are not arguing or pandering to their reaction behavior.

At this point, tell them that once they can have a calm conversation, you’ll be ready to listen to them fully and discuss the situation. Then give them room to cool.

If the angry person is someone in your family, try to have a quiet discussion with them about their anger.

It’s probably smart to have another family member (who also experienced this person’s anger) with you during the conversation, so obviously you’re not the only one seeing the problem.

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You don’t want to attack or criticize them, which might provoke their anger. Instead, let them know how their outbursts or behavior affected you.

For example, you might say, “I feel hurt and insulted when you yell. It makes me want to run away from you.” Then state your request that they communicate in a better way.

This is also a good time to calmly explain personal boundaries. You can say something like, “I love you, but I can’t stand being bullied or insulted anymore.”

How To Deal With Angry People

Or you can say, “When you start raising your voice and getting angry, I’m going to have to leave the room because I don’t like being around you.” You have the right to set boundaries about how your loved one treats you.

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Dealing with an angry boss is difficult because your career and livelihood are in this person’s hands.

If your boss is generally rational but prone to anger, you can talk calmly and let him know how anger affects your performance.

If your boss is irrational and controlling, it’s best to deal with it calmly and professionally and refuse to react passively.

If the behavior can be reported to other decision makers without negatively impacting your career, document your boss’s behavior on a specific day and time and schedule a meeting to review it.

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If you are afraid of retaliation for talking to your boss or reporting his behavior, start looking for another job for your own peace of mind and health. Living under the specter of an angry and aggressive boss is overwhelming.

If angry people in your life are struggling to control their anger, give them positive reinforcement and praise.

Remember, anger is a learned behavior and a habitual response to negative emotions. It takes a concerted effort to break this habit and learn new ways to deal with unpleasant emotions.

How To Deal With Angry People

People who work to change angry behaviors are very motivated to improve because maintaining self-control after years of letting it tear apart is not easy.

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Let the person know that you see what they want to do and forgive them when they fall. By reinforcing their positive behaviors, you are helping them retrain their brains to become more mature

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