Verses To Pray Over Your Wife

Verses To Pray Over Your Wife – I love that we have such a diverse group of followers on my blog and Facebook page! Although many of you are married, I know that many of you are still waiting for your future husband to come into your life. Over the past few months I have received a number of emails and messages from many of you asking what it is like to pray for your future husband and if I had done so before meeting my own husband, i thought i would share it. A little from my heart about what it’s like to pray for the man God has for you while you wait for him. Because as women who follow Christ, we need to pray for the men that God has for us, not just while we are married to them, but BEFORE we meet them. A great way to pray for your future spouse is to start with God’s Word, and reading the scriptures is a good place to start when you’re not sure where to start or when you’re tired of waiting.

Today I’m going to share 8 verses for you to pray for your future husband while you wait.

Verses To Pray Over Your Wife

Verses To Pray Over Your Wife

Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God, and live righteously, and it will give you all you need.”

Prayers For The Hurting Wife

As a wife-to-be, you must pray that your husband-to-be will seek the FIRST Christ and His kingdom in his life above all else. With all the preoccupation and temptation this world throws at us, it is very difficult for men (and women!) to keep God at the forefront of their day. Pray that your heart will want to be in the Word each day and strive to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

2. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans which I have made for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good, not disaster, to give you a future and hope.”

Sometimes you wonder why you wait, and your future spouse may wonder why you wait. And sometimes it’s HARD to wait and it’s hard to see what God’s plan is in the middle. While your future husband is waiting for you, pray that God would reveal himself to him; He is reminded that Allah wants to bring him kindness and the desires of his heart. Pray for God to cling to him and let him fulfill himself.

Ephesians 5:22-33 “Wives, be subject to the Lord as you are to your own husbands. As Christ is also the head of the church, so the man is the head of the woman, he is the Savior of the body… But as the church is subject to Christ, so are women, men, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church, and sacrificed himself for her, after washing her with water, to present the whole church to Him to sanctify her. Not wrinkles or anything like that, but he would be holy and blameless. Men should therefore love their own women like their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, because no one hated his own flesh, but nourishes and nourishes her, just as Christ loved the church, as he did, because we are members of his body, therefore the husband becomes his father and leave his mother and join his wife, and the two will be one flesh… This mystery is wonderful, but I’m referring to Christ and the church. I’m talking about. However, each of you must love his wife as himself, and the wife must make him respect her husband.”

Powerful Prayers For My Husband (with Free Printable)

These are many verses, but they are full of great truths about how you should pray to make your marriage look like this; It reflects Christ and his church. While men and women are equal in Christ, we are made very differently depending on what God’s purpose is for our roles in marriage. Pray for your husband to lead your family with Christ in mind, to love you as Christ loved the church, and to make sacrifices for you and your family. Let’s face it, the God-given responsibility of being a husband is huge. Pray that God will give your future husband the strength and heart to do what he is called to do!

Praying for your future husband, friends, and community is another great way to raise him in prayer before you even meet him! An old saying goes, “You’re the one you hang out with.” I really believe this phrase is derived from this saying. Pray for the kind of people he will surround himself with. Pray that they would be a good influence in Him and agree to seek Christ in their hearts and in their relationships. Pray because he is tied to a good meetinghouse and has a circle of friends to turn to for encouragement or prayer. And who knows, maybe the friends you’re praying for now will be your friends too one day.

5. 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has come upon you except that which is common to men. And God is faithful; He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. But if tried, it will also offer you a way out that you must endure.”

Verses To Pray Over Your Wife

Praying this verse can encompass any temptation, but today I want to focus on sexual temptation. In our culture today it is MORE DIFFICULT to be a man and to strive for purity of heart, mind and body. Sex is thrown at them from every direction, and the devil knows how to carve a place in their hearts. Pray for God’s help in escaping every sinful situation and holding onto God’s truth for them as they save themselves until marriage. Would you like to go one step further? Pray for other women they may be dating, and pray that they will help keep them clean until they meet you and that they will see their sin and run away from it when they take it too far to have. This is hard to do, I had said this prayer many times before I met my husband, but God used it to work in my own heart in a great way.

Encouraging Bible Scriptures On Being A Good Wife

6. 2 Peter 3:18 “Instead you must grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory be to him, now and forever! amine.”

It is very important to pray for knowledge for your future spouse! Pray with him and other believers that he would take the time to seek God in solitude. Your future husband cannot just stand and grow, so pray that he will force himself to study God’s Word and rely on God’s grace in his life.

7. 1 Corinthians 6:19 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, whom you received from God, and not your own? Because you were bought for a price; So glorify God in your body.”

Praying for the health and physical safety of your future husband is a tangible way to get him on his feet. Pray that he would honor God in the way he treats his body and that God would protect him wherever he goes.

Marriage Prayers — Marriage Blessing Prayer

8. Acts 28:31 “He declared the sovereignty of God and taught of the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance!”

Pray for COURAGE for your future husband! Ultimately, our goal as followers of Christ is to go out and share the good news of the gospel with others. So pray that he is destined to share his heart with others with confidence and clarity.

I hope if you are an expectant spouse this has given you encouragement today. As wives, we have the pleasure and privilege of interceding for our husbands in prayer, but that begins long before you say yes. And if you are already married, you can continue to pray these verses for your husband and your daughter’s future husbands. Prayer is VERY KEY in strengthening and building our marriages; As you continue to seek Christ and His will for your life, do not wait another day to pray for the person whose face you have not yet met. Christian husbands, God says you should get to know your wife, not just in the sexual sense of the word. You are also called to know him on a spiritual and emotional level. That doesn’t mean you have to be an emotional being like you are.

Verses To Pray Over Your Wife

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