Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop – Dealing with difficult or challenging behaviors at work is very common. It can happen in any industry and groups of people from different backgrounds, roles and goals can work together at any time.

This expert-facilitated workshop provides a safe and mature environment for teams to develop interpersonal skills, understand how to communicate professionally, find solutions together, have difficult discussions, and move forward as a team.

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

This workshop is designed to be delivered to a group of employees in an organization. It is suitable for employees at any level and from any professional background.

Working With Difficult People

The topic applies to those dealing with difficult behavior from colleagues, customers or suppliers in the workplace.

Please note: workshop prices exclude catering and some travel requirements if held in person. Workshop delivery date to be determined.

Do you have more than five employees you would like to attend? Talk to us about discounted rates per person for additional participants.

This course is offered as a face-to-face workshop for organizations looking to build a workforce pool in a critical skill area.

Managing Conflict In Relationships: Communication Tips

We know that researching and planning training sessions for employees can be time-consuming. Our pre-packaged employee training workshops save you time, money on training and are delivered with the same rigor and quality as one of our custom training solutions.

Prices for this half-day workshop are fixed and known in advance. Full day workshop options are also available upon request.

Help develop the practical skills of your employees to improve your bottom line. We provide training and development in various topics such as business, management and leadership. Training is tailored to the specific challenges of your workplace, industry and meeting your business objectives.

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

If you have a large group of employees to train, need training that addresses a specific or unique skill area, or want to tailor content and activities to your team, talk to us about a customized training solution. It’s not as expensive as you might think and can deliver exceptional value and results.

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

Talk to us about a suitable training for your teams on this topic or another topic that applies in the field of business, management or leadership by emailing us at enquiries@ Learn how to go from surviving at work to thriving at work by learning skills. To effectively manage conflict and deal with difficult people

If you don’t know how to deal with conflict and dealing with it only makes things worse, this course is for you! Stop the blame game, learn to influence others and take control of difficult situations.

Emotional intelligence has become an important topic in the workplace. Your emotions drive your decisions that drive your behavior, which ultimately affects your performance. Learn how to manage your and conflict assertively for positive results.

A frequently asked question in our workshops is “How do I better manage and deal with conflict and difficult people?” So, at Skill Junction, we’ve put together the best tools and techniques from our vast experience that we know work and get results. You don’t have to do the hard work because we’ve done it all for you: all the necessary tools, checklists, templates and strategies in one place.

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Learning to deal effectively with conflict is an important skill in the workplace. Having worked with over 1000 students from all over the world and from all walks of life, we have the practical knowledge and proven success to embed learning into a fun, step-by-step process.

Explore the importance of conflict management at work and what it means for you to manage it well. Learn how to use resources and definitely get the most out of your position.

Learn why conflict is healthy and how to use the 4 keys to successful conflict so you can manage and work with conflict more effectively.

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

Discover which biases fuel your conflicts, the costs of these, and how to rise above the emotional outbursts that prevent you from successful conflict management.

Strengthening Your Workplace Interpersonal And Social Skills

Learn a mental model to move beyond your blocks and triggers, use emotional intelligence skills and a process for managing conflict and difficult people.

Develop the 6 skills of EI, build your confidence every time, and learn how to use each of the 12 tools to get better results.

Explore the reality of difficult people and difficult behaviors, and learn to identify different personality styles using DISC and use them for greater success in conflict! – Two videos are included in this lesson

Brings all the important tools, patterns and processes you’ve learned into one easy-to-use framework. Each of the 3 levels includes its own final lesson that summarizes and reinforces the key objectives for that level.

Dealing With Difficult People And Behaviours Workshop » Mitraining

Essentials plus the 6 Skills and 12 Emotional Intelligence Mastery Tools for Conflict Management (3+ hours of learning)

An additional depth of emotional intelligence provides 6 skills and 12 tools for establishing conflict success

How to Handle Difficult People (over 4 1/2 hours) Get all the value of the Bronze and Silver levels.

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

Get the full value of Essentials of Conflict Management (Bronze Level) and Emotional Intelligence (Silver Level) PLUS our most requested topic, “How to Deal Effectively with Difficult People,” which includes a free “DISC People Styles Profile.”

How To Handle Difficult Conversations At Work

1. Click below to book an appointment with Kerry Anne or click the “Green Phone: WhatsApp Button” on the right side of the screen

Since 1996, I’ve been passionate about making a difference in the lives of leaders, their teams and organizations around the world: one conversation at a time.

Also, often speaking first and thinking later, I have gotten myself into hot soup many times in my conversations over the years! Coupled with this was my natural shyness in work situations and a sense of inadequacy if I wasn’t armed with all the facts.

I need to learn to stop and think before I engage, learn to reflect and learn to be vulnerable with others appropriately, and learn to use my strengths instead of looking at my limitations.

How To Deal With Difficult People: 10 Expert Techniques

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that life isn’t about being perfect, but about seeing and being real in the moment with others. Coupled with many experiences in life, I have had to constantly stop and reassess my journey – the tools we use in our online courses come from my personal experiences and have helped me a lot.

I am fascinated by the art and science of human behavior and use various tools, ideas, methods and techniques from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Positive Psychology, Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence to inform my workshops, training and online. projects.

Depending on the level of course you choose, you’ll have a set of video lessons that you can watch and work through at your own pace over a period of time. During this period, you can download all the resources and watch the videos as many times as you want

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

You’ll get worksheets, checklists, and more during each lesson so you can quickly build your conflict management skills. The value of a course like this is in application and these resources will help you reinforce and implement your learning.

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Depending on your goals and budget, we offer 3 levels of learning. Each level allows you to build on the previous level/s so that you can learn, master, and apply conflict management skills, strategies, and tools in a systematic, step-by-step process.

Each level provides a set of tools, models, and resources that provide you with a practical framework for conflict management

“I recently worked with Kerry Anne on a conflict management workshop run by Brisbane City Council.

Kerry helped me achieve this, breaking down the types of conflict, ways to manage it and all the areas of understanding the person you might be in conflict with.

Managing Difficult People & Situations

What I appreciate most about her is her open, honest and confident delivery and the resources provided to help me further from the course.

One of the biggest things I got from this course was that I felt more confident in dealing with conflict more effectively.

The reason I recommend Kerry Ann is that her process is easy for you to understand and follow.

Dealing With Difficult People Workshop

“I think it was a great course. It gave me a lot of insights into emotional intelligence, NLP and, of course, conflict management. These can definitely be applied in my day-to-day work.

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I think this is the best course I have attended at the council. It’s worth the time. Learning was harder than studying for a whole day.

I think I’ve learned a lot about dealing with conflict with empathy, especially with difficult and upset clients at the social events and functions I’ve attended in recent weeks.

Kerry provided many tools and processes for identifying, empathizing, and solving problems. I think this is definitely an important skill when dealing with planning problems and issues.

Excellent presenter. Easy going

Dealing With Difficult People Training Course

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