Bible Verses To Pray For Family

Bible Verses To Pray For Family – It’s not just physically in my house, but it’s coming together as a family that I love so much.

Home is where my people come together…to celebrate, to eat, to fellowship, to grow….it’s where we live together and make memories.

Bible Verses To Pray For Family

Bible Verses To Pray For Family

It is a place where we find peace and relaxation. And that’s where we want the rest of us to look.

God Will Provide Bible Verses To Encourage You

We’ve moved to different houses over the years, but the feeling of home is always there.

Knowing this helped me to pray specifically about my home. I have a certain atmosphere that I want to create, a feeling that I want people to experience when they enter my home.

A Peaceful Home My people will live in a peaceful, safe home, undisturbed rest. Isaiah 32:18 NIV

One thing I like more than anything else is that our home is peaceful. I want people to feel at ease when they walk in.

Bible Verses About Community

I don’t mean calm as in noisy…with 5 kids, a dog and a guinea pig…things aren’t always calm.

The peace I am referring to is a place of rest as mentioned in the verse above.

Whether my husband, children or guests come to my house, I want them to come in and relax.

Bible Verses To Pray For Family

My family likes to raise people. We love to provide an atmosphere where people are entertained and satisfied – food, Jesus! We want to be a servant family because this is our passion.

Coronavirus Bible Verses

What does this have to do with serving God? Let’s see … “And the king said to those on the right hand: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Take the grandfather prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Because I was hungry and you gave me something. eat, I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, you invited me, I needed clothes, you clothed me, I was sick, you took care of me, I was in prison, you met me.” Then the righteous people said to him. replied: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we invite you to see a stranger, or when did you need clothes or clothing? When did we see you sick or in prison and see you?’ And the king answered and said, Verily I say unto thee, Whatever thou hast done for one of these my brothers and sisters, thou hast done it for me. Matthew 25:34-40

My neighbor’s maid was going out to get something when my husband came to our door. Noticing that he was alone on the holiday, he invited her to Thanksgiving dinner.

I want our home to be a loving, caring and welcoming place, and I believe we can do that if we have a heart of service and prayer in our home.

Blessed House The LORD curses the house of the wicked, but blesses the house of the upright. Proverbs 3:33 NLT

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When we got to his house, we walked over it, anointed it with oil, and prayed for blessings and peace.

May you continue to bless and pray for your home and everyone who enters it.

A well-built house A wise woman builds her house, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1 NLT

Bible Verses To Pray For Family

As women, we have an amazing opportunity and responsibility to create the atmosphere in our home. I don’t know about you, but I want to be a woman who builds houses, not tears them down.

Prayer For Safe Travels [w/ Bible Verses]

Proverbs 18:21 says: Death and life are the power of the tongue, and those who love it eat its fruit.

What you say and pray about and in your home has the ability to produce different kinds of fruit.

When you say words of encouragement, encouragement, and encouragement, you plant the seeds of goodness and harmony in your home.

Conversely, if you speak unkindly or rudely, you sow the seeds of frustration and division.

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There are times when I raise my voice and say things to my children.

When such a time comes, I make the whole house restless. I choose words to be a homemaker because I want harmony in my home, not strife.

House of Wisdom It takes wisdom to build a house and understanding to build a firm foundation. It takes knowledge to decorate your rooms with fine furniture and beautiful fabrics. Proverbs 24:3-4 MSG

Bible Verses To Pray For Family

Houses are built with wisdom. As women who want to build our homes, we need God’s wisdom.

Bible Verses About Family

That night, God appeared to Solomon and said, “What do you want? ask, and I will give it to you!” Solomon answered God: “You have shown great faithful love to my father David, and now you have made me king in his place. Lord, fulfill your promise to my father David, for you have made me king of a great people like the dust of the earth! Give me the wisdom and knowledge to rule them well, for who can rule these great people? God said to Solomon: “Your greatest desire is to help your people, and you have not asked for wealth, wealth, fame, or even the death of your enemies or long life, but you have asked for wisdom and knowledge accordingly. Rule your people – as you wish. wisdom and knowledge I will give you. But I will give you riches, riches, and glory, the likes of which no king before you has had or will have in the future!” 2Chronicles 1:7-12 God gave Solomon everything he wanted, and he chose to ask for wisdom and knowledge to build the kingdom God had given him.

I believe that when we ask God to give us the wisdom and knowledge to build a home for our family and those who are coming, God will answer in this way.

This week I read a great article by Vicki Munton at He hit me on the head with my sense of home.

A house’s foundation should never be built on concrete, mortar, or brick – if it is to withstand the storms of life, it must be built on the solid truth of God’s Word. Remember the children’s song “The wise man built his house on the rock”? The theological truth of that little verse has stood the test of time. I only lived in three different houses growing up, but since getting married, I’ve lived in more houses than I can count on one hand. Changing the location didn’t change what made the house our home. They all had the same foundation – we wanted to build our family on the foundation of faith.

Bible Verses About Courage

My friend, every day we have a great privilege and opportunity to talk and pray about our home and family. When we do this intentionally, we begin to see the fruits of peace and love that we desire. We live in an uncertain world. Watch the news and it’s easy to get discouraged and scared. However, God does not expect us to live a life of fear and anxiety. Fortunately, we can express our requests to God through prayer and supplication.

Now Jesus stands at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us. What if we attack his throne in prayer? I trust that we will find His peace and comfort in our lives.

This is the video. Here are some scriptural promises for your family this year.

Bible Verses To Pray For Family

You have the privilege of creating the atmosphere in our home! You may not have the answers to the world’s problems, but you can fight the darkness through prayer. Prayer is one of your greatest weapons.

Encouraging Scripture Verses For Families

When it comes to our families, the most powerful thing we can do is pray for our family members!

In this article you will find 10 Bible verses. Below each scripture is a short daily prayer for your family. You can use the short prayer to pray alone or to pray together as a family.

Feel free to pray as the Holy Spirit guides you or use our guided prayers. Pray every morning alone or together as a family.

As an added bonus, at the end of this post you can find a free printable of 10 Bible verses.

Prayer Points For Victory With Bible Verses

I Know Who I Am: A 14-Day Prayer Guide for Talking About Your Children or Grandchildren. Download and start interceding in prayer today!

The Lord your God is with you, a mighty warrior who saves. He will be very happy

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