Verses To Pray Over Husband

Verses To Pray Over Husband – The Bible is the living, breathing Word of God and is a powerful tool that we can use in our prayer life. I have compiled for you this list of over fifty bible verses to pray over your husband. Cover your husband with the Word of God and watch the power at work.

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Verses To Pray Over Husband

Verses To Pray Over Husband

How do you pray for people and relationships in your life? Every night we pray for our marriage and we each pray for each other, but these are regular prayers in our own words. There’s nothing wrong with that, but have you ever prayed using the scriptures?

Special Birthday Prayers For A Husband

Full disclosure: Not a practice I do often, but I want to improve. I felt this familiar shift when I read another article on prayer and it mentioned prayer from the scriptures. I read a bit more about it and decided I wanted to find scriptures to pray for both Micah and the children. I searched and searched and although there are hundreds if not thousands of verses you can use as prayers, I wanted to find a manageable number.

I started with about 20 verses, but as I searched I found more and more that really spoke to me and I knew I had to expand my list. As I wrote each verse as a prayer, I inserted Micah’s name and could feel the power that these prayers can have. The Word of God is alive and active – no wonder I can feel the Spirit moving within me!

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You can keep it on your phone, tablet, or computer, or you can print it out to keep with your Bible study materials. I have included a blank page to write your prayers and scriptures as needed.

Powerful Scriptures And Prayers For Your Husband

Below I have compiled a list of over 50 verses written in the form of a prayer. I left blanks for you to enter your husband’s name. There are enough verses to focus on one each week or you can pray daily, weekly or however you like!

Lord, I pray that You, the source of hope, will fill _______ completely with joy and peace as she trusts in You. Then she will overflow with confident hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, let the roots of _______ grow in You and let his life be built on You. Help his faith grow stronger in the truth he has been taught so he can overflow with gratitude.

Verses To Pray Over Husband

Lord, make your home in the heart of ________ so that he may trust in you. I pray that its roots grow in your love and that it keeps it strong.

Powerful Prayers For My Husband (with Free Printable)

Lord, remind _______ of the gospel that has been preached, received, and stood upon. According to this gospel, he is saved if he keeps to the word that has been preached to him.

Lord, I pray that ________ will stand firm. Let nothing move him. May he always give himself entirely to Your work and know that his effort in You is not in vain.

Lord, I pray that as long as _______ lives, it will be to honor you. And if he dies, it’s to honor you. Whether he lives or dies, may he always be Yours.

Lord, help _______ to stay true to what he was taught from the beginning so that he can stay in fellowship with both the Father and the Son, for in that fellowship he will enjoy the eternal life you promised him. .

Day Prayer Challenge For Your Husband

Lord, let _______ take refuge and rejoice in you. Extend your protection over him, so that he may rejoice in you.

Lord, cover ________ with your feathers. Cover it with your wings. Your faithful promises are his armor and his protection.

Lord, let everything that _______ does be an example of what is good. Help him to show honesty, seriousness and a healthy speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose him will be confused because they have nothing bad to say about him .

Verses To Pray Over Husband

Lord, may ________’s conscience testify that in the world, and in his dealings with others, he conducted himself with honesty and godly sincerity.

Powerful Prayer For My Husband’s Health And Sickness

Lord, give the treasure of common sense to ________ and help him to be honest. Be his shield so he can walk with integrity.

Lord, may ________ be filled with integrity and walk safely. Prevent him from following evil paths that expose him.

Lord, I pray that ______ will trust you with all his heart and not lean on his own understanding.

Lord, give ________ wisdom, give him understanding and may he not forget your words and turn away from them.

A Scripture Prayer For Your Husband’s Emotions

Lord, help _______ to discern what is best to be pure and infallible for the day of Christ.

Lord, may _______ be wise to listen and add to his teaching, and may discernment receive guidance.

Lord, may hard work ________ bring profit and keep it from mere conversation which only leads to poverty.

Verses To Pray Over Husband

Lord, let _______ work with all his heart, as if he were working for you and not for human masters.

Husbands, God Won’t Answer Your Prayers

Lord, I pray that _______ will work diligently for us to have abundance and put away the fantasies that will lead to poverty.

Lord, be with ________ so that he may be successful in all he undertakes while serving in his workplace.

Lord, help ________ to give special attention to his work and to derive satisfaction from a job well done. Prevent him from being compared to someone else.

Lord, keep _______ courage and help him to believe in You that everything will happen as You told him.

Strongest Prayers For Marriage Restoration After Separation

Lord, help ________ to be alert, to stand firm in the faith, to be courageous and strong.

Lord, make _________ strong and courageous. Help him not to be afraid or panic before the trial. Go there and don’t miss it or let it.

Lord, may ________ not speak with words taught by human wisdom, but with words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with words taught by the Spirit.

Verses To Pray Over Husband

Lord, I pray that _______ will have words of wisdom that satisfy like a good meal and that good words bring satisfaction.

Powerful Verses To Pray Over Our Children {with Free Printable}

Lord, let ________ not be angry with the temperament that causes discord, but make him a patient man who calms disputes.

Lord, prevent _______ from talking too much because it can lead to sin. Help him to be reasonable and keep quiet.

Lord, free the mouth of ________ from abusive or insulting words. Let everything he says be good and useful, so that his words may be an encouragement to those who listen to them.

Lord, surround ________ friends who refuse to gossip, hurt their neighbors, or speak ill of their friends.

Scripture To Pray For Your Children

Lord, may you, who give patience and encouragement, help ________ to live in harmony with those around him, as befits disciples of Jesus Christ.

Lord, prevent _______ from copying the behavior of this world and instead transform him into a new person by changing his way of thinking. Then he will know Your will for him, which is good, pleasant and perfect.

Lord, let _________ fix his eyes not on what is seen, but on what is not seen. Remind him that what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Verses To Pray Over Husband

I would like you to comment below on the scriptures you use to pray over your spouse or other ways to cover them and your relationship in prayer. Father, thank you for your great mercy. You have shown that you are a forgiving God to all generations. You are merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, full of love. (Neh.9:17) You promised that when Your people turn from their sins and seek Your face, You will hear it and You will be faithful and just to forgive their sins. (2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 John 1:9)

Marriage Prayers — Marriage Blessing Prayer

Father, I pray that you will give my husband a heart of repentance. Give him the courage to admit everything he has done. Convict him early and convict him often. Give him an open and instructive heart with a constant and ever-stronger desire for what is good and pleasing in your eyes. Where there has been condemnation, push him further into humble repentance, seeing his sin as you do, and completely renouncing its influence on his life.

Father, in his humility, give him your peace, knowing that he is completely forgiven and can walk before you without shame. That you have taken away his sin as long as the east is far from the west. That you are the one who blots out his transgressions and you will remember them no more (Is.43:25)

Father, I praise you again for your great mercy. Like you forgave my husband everything I confessed

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