Finding My Career Path

Finding My Career Path – You have four mysterious acronyms like ENTJ, INFP, or ESTP, without much understanding of what they mean or how they are used.

The letters in each MBTI personality type refer to a specific characteristic. The combination of those characteristics make up your personality type.

Finding My Career Path

Finding My Career Path

It explains why some people are fine with poring over spreadsheets on the computer all day; while others need to feel that they are helping others in their work. It also explains why some make better CEOs and better psychologists.

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We’ve created an awesome guide that breaks down 101 career paths based on the 16 Myers-Briggs type groups.

Last, but not least, structure is about the behavior that other people tend to see in you in the “outside” world.

It goes without saying that you can have both traits of the same pair, as few people are 100% the same. You can be both an extrovert and an introvert, for example. These personality traits only refer to what is most important to you, and do not put you in a box!

You are creative but always detail-oriented, and you often like to work alone. You are an analytical problem solver, always trying to improve systems, processes, and anything else that comes your way.

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He likes to think and experiment with new ideas. He is very independent and likes to analyze theory and numbers. Because you like to think deeply, you choose positions that allow you to start new things.

This personality type is very rare – only 1% of the population are INFJs. He approaches work with attention, care, and imagination. You care a lot about other people, but you are not a dreamer. He takes tangible steps to make the world a better place.

He is quiet, thoughtful, and open-minded. Although intelligent, she dislikes school and dreads the thought of years of mindless mundane jobs. That is why everything that is normal does not work for you.

Finding My Career Path

You are logical and do not like to make hasty decisions. You make a great employee because you are reliable, objective, and sharp. You respect authority and want to feel secure and consistent in your work.

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He is efficient and responsible but has a great desire to help others. Your personality traits are important in today’s world – you are philanthropic and resourceful, so you often find yourself happy in the service of others.

Famous ISFJs include Beyonce, Kate Middleton, Rosa Parks, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and The Godfather himself, Vito Corleone.

You are very creative and have a human mind – you will stop at nothing to achieve your goals. You thrive on the unknown and are a born problem solver, even if the problems you want to solve may not be very useful. This combination of curiosity and grit makes ISFJs one of the most unique personality types out there.

He loves adventures and lives in the moment. You use aesthetics and design to enhance your love for beauty. You care less about wealth, power, or security. In your work, you seek creative freedom and the opportunity to express yourself artistically.

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Famous ISFPs include Mozart, John Travolta, Marie Antoinette, Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Frida Kahlo, and Lana Del Rey.

You make quick decisions and are motivated by external rewards. You tend to care about groups and have high self-esteem. You make sure to use your authority so that everyone does what they are supposed to do and things get done.

ENTJs do well in any job that puts them in control. Some of the best include:

Finding My Career Path

You are brave, creative, and daring, and you are not afraid of hard work to achieve your goals. You have a quick mind and think well on your feet, which makes you a great negotiator. At work, she enjoys creating solutions to technical and intellectual problems.

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Famous ENTPs include Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain, Sarah Silverman, and Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones.

He likes to help others and be the center of attention. You have strong opinions and values ​​and you are not afraid to stand up for yourself. You achieve your meaningful goals through the power of creativity and collaboration.

She is a true free spirit – charming, independent, and strong. You enjoy working with others and exploring new ideas and want your work life to reflect this. You find everything interesting, so you may have a hard time choosing a career.

He is a true leader and respects tradition and order. You have a strong moral compass and enjoy leading others and keeping busy. You gravitate towards careers that give you a sense of structure and organization, where you can exercise your responsibility and integrity.

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Famous ESTJs include George W. Bush, Simon Cowell, Judy Judge, Ella Baker, Frank Sinatra, and Lyndon B. Johnson.

You are energetic, goal-oriented, and motivated by short-term success. You want to be where the action is – making decisions every day while thinking on your feet. These are the most popular of the personality types, and have an easy time communicating and interacting with others.

Like all extroverts, you enjoy interacting with others and participating in your environment. He is a dedicated person and loves to help others. You are very honest and well organized and avoid conflict at all costs. He is happy to do what needs to be done and is not bothered by the routine.

Finding My Career Path

As an ESFP, you are definitely the LIFE of the party. She starts singing and dancing randomly and loves to give time and energy to other people. Any activity that prevents you from that freedom will make you 100% miserable. You want excitement, collaboration, and a chance to shine!

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Don’t settle for a job that doesn’t make you happy. Know yourself and choose a job where you are not afraid from next Monday. Whatever your personality type, there is a job where you can feel fulfilled and productive.

To provide a secure experience, the best content and great communication, we use cookies. Learn how to use them for unverified users. The mind that predicted my career I was a millennial trying to find my way. The first person who saw my path was the woman who read it in my palm

This is a series about people who weathered the Great Depression — and reinvented themselves along the way.

I was walking through downtown Oakland, Calif., aimlessly, like I was wandering through life. It was my first visit to the city, and I wondered if it would be my next return. I was on my way to the BART station when an unassuming woman looking at me piqued my interest. Crossing the street to get closer, I realized that the mysterious showcase was just “strategically amazing”; this was a fortune teller business. Now, I don’t normally believe in this kind of thing, but it was a terrible time in my life. I had come to California from my home in Dallas to look for work. If I didn’t know my next step, maybe it was. Plus, it was only $10 – half price.

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The recession has not been kind to us recent college graduates, who were promised the world if only they could get a quality education. She was especially cruel to those who wanted to make changes in social welfare like me. Psychology has always been a way to help people, a balance of philosophy and science that I enjoy. But there was no job market out of graduate school, and I already had enough student loans. As the first born son of immigrants, my mother became a widow, I was expected to wake up. I wanted to help and I wanted to make my family proud, and I wasn’t doing that either. So I took on odd jobs: market research and analysis, database management, SAT tutoring, food delivery, and computer repair. Nothing put me on the successful path to the career I wanted.

I had my dream job for six months, working as a case manager at a children’s medical center. I loved it, and I was making a decent salary, but little did I know I was on a sinking ship; our site was so in the red that the governing body closed it down. I spent the last few weeks making sure the kids had somewhere to go. Where I was going next — that was another question.

I left for California with more hope and an amazing offer from my extended family to help. I got my first interview for a social work job in Oakland. That day I looked excited and full of love. I left feeling a little sick: I was against mothers, people with masters degrees, and Ph.D. I didn’t shoot, and I knew it.

Finding My Career Path

That’s all that brought me to a chemistry student in the East. I was skeptical, of course, even though he got over my skepticism by telling me accurate information about my family and love life. Then he told me something I already knew from my interview.

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“You will have to do something you did not expect. You will have the job you want and even

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