Scripture To Pray Over Husband

Scripture To Pray Over Husband – Father, you have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us. Our body is his temple. I pray that my husband will not allow anything to destroy his body, mind or time. Because you said: “Whoever destroys your temple, you will destroy it.” (1 Cor. 3:16-17)

I pray that he does not indulge in alcoholism, gluttony, and is not addicted to any such food or substance that may harm his health. I pray that he will not be tempted to sin against his body, against your temple, by using pornography, sexual immorality, orgy, or the like, and to participate in it. Keep his mind clear. Don’t let him fall into habitual thoughts of jealousy, anger, witchcraft, idolatry, or strife. Eliminate all tendencies to gratify the body or to self-satisfy. (Gal. 5:19-21) Don’t let him have sinful desires. (2 Pet.2:19) Instead, he will establish in himself a pure heart, adapted to the will and strength to resist the temptations of the enemy.

Scripture To Pray Over Husband

Scripture To Pray Over Husband

I humbly stand before you, Lord, asking you to keep my husband from sin intentionally. Don’t let his body rule you. (Ps. 19:13) Surround him with your mighty protection. When you stumble, get up, when you are weak, get up. Encourage him when he is tempted, and assure him that what he knows is good, as this will strengthen his faith. (James 1) Remind him how to live – not like a fool, but like a wise man, making the best decisions in every situation. (Eph. 5:15) When he shows patience, tell him he can do anything and admire you. It is your son who gives him strength. (Philippians 4:13) In the precious name of Jesus. so be it.

Bible Verses About Marriage

Get Kaelin’s book for women: The Woman’s 40 Day Fasting and Prayer Journal – A Guide to Strategic Prayer. My name is Deb Weeks and I helped create Helping Club for Moms with one goal: to create a community where moms help. Mothers to know the love of Christ. My childhood was difficult and full of sadness. I was not raised in a Christian household, so I had no idea what I was doing when I became a Christian (and soon after, my mother); I had no idea what it meant to raise Christ-centered children, but I really wanted to learn.

I remember going into my daughter’s room night and night and kneeling beside her bed and crying to God because I didn’t know how to be a Christian mother; I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. you know what? God is so faithful! He answered me and just said, “Spend time with me, Deb.” I did the same thing. I woke up 15-30 minutes earlier every day to read the Bible, pray and plan my day with my family.

If there is one thing I want to share with you, it is that God is personal and loves you just as you are. You don’t need to be perfect for the love of our wonderful God! come as you Are! His loving presence is truly known and felt. He is not a distant God, he is near and is easily found. He wants you to come to him!

Randy and I have been married for 28 years, have two grown children, Christy and Jack, and a son-in-law, Alex, who answered our prayers. Now I’ll be Gigi for my lovely grandmothers Aspen and Skylar! Wow!

Submission: What To Do When Your Husband Makes A Decision You Completely Disagree With

Oh man! We use cookies to provide the best experience on the HCFM website. If you continue to use this site, we consider you lucky. We understand! Few months back I told all of you to stop praying to God to send you husband. Instead, I told you to pray a little differently, including praying for yourself first, so that you can become the person God needs you to be in order to have your husband. Second, I told you to pray for your future husband because the Lord leads you. I say no when he leads you because you don’t want it to turn into idolatry or jealousy at the idea of ​​having a husband. Once you know that you are ready and spiritually mature to go into prayer season for your future life partner. Till then don’t do it prematurely and don’t wake up love prematurely. (Song of Solomon 8:4) If you’re married, these are certainly great things to pray for your current husband as well. Here:

I can’t even take credit for it. All this is the Apostle Paul (inspired by the Holy Spirit, of course). It is actually called the Ephesian prayer because in Ephesians 1 we see Paul praying for the church in Ephesus. I try to recite this prayer on myself and others as many times as I can, and I have been praying for my husband from time to time (of course I don’t know who he is). And not my own man’s horn or anything, *with teeth*. He is one of the smartest people I know. And it’s not to do with worldly wisdom, but he is certainly using some knowledge of God and I have to believe because his daughter was praying for him before I knew him. *opens my invisible jaw*

The complete prayer can be found in Ephesians 1:17-23 and is basically a prayer for spiritual enlightenment and revelation and serves as the foundation of a person’s spiritual life. When I prayed for my future husband, I would simply replace the words “you” with “he” or “his” (except in the first line, I’d say you’re preparing for me). Here’s an example: “Lord Father, I pray that you will give that man the Spirit of wisdom and the revelation of knowing you, that his eyes of understanding will be enlightened and he will know what that is. We invite you.” Waiting for…” See? It’s really simple, but it’s very powerful and I know you’ll see the results of that prayer one day.

Scripture To Pray Over Husband

If you’re ready to not only pray, but to prepare and position yourself for a godly marriage, get my book, Being a Good Thing Before the Ring. Learn more here

Praying Scripture For Your Husband Prayer Journal

You want a man who loves God first and not others. His love for God becomes his love for you and others. He doesn’t want to hurt you because he doesn’t want to hurt God. He respects you because he respects God. Trust me, the one who loves God first and is loved most. You want the person who will be the head of your family, the king of the household, and the priest to be able to hear God’s voice, so that he can lead effectively and you feel comfortable following and obeying him. Him. All these things affect you, but most of all you should love him so deeply that you care more for his soul and soul.

One of what husbands are called to do is to wash their wives with the water of God’s Word (Ephesians 5:25–26). If your husband doesn’t know a word, he can’t take a bath. The Word of God is living, active, and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). This should be well known to the person in the household. If one does not believe or practice it, it will not benefit him. So pray that he will not only be a hearer, but a doer of the word. (James 1:22)

Not only do you want him to be a man of your word, but you also want him to be a man of his word. I don’t know about you, but it’s important that my husband does his best to keep his word, whatever it is. No one wants an unreliable, irresponsible shell person as their lifelong partner. You also want him to be a conscientious, good-natured person. You don’t want him to act one-sided in front of people, but when he closes the door, he’s a completely different person. So pray for those things that God will work on their hearts.

Once you’ve married someone, they become the leader of the marriage and your household by default, so you want to make sure they’re a good person. Pray that he will be a leader, not just a follower, and that God is raising him to be the best leader he can be. Pray for God’s grace to come to him in that area.

Best Bible Scriptures On Finding A Husband

If you want to have kids, make sure you pray for your husband to be a great father.

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