Game Development Career Path

Game Development Career Path – Game designer is a very broad term that is (incorrectly) used to describe almost anyone working in the game industry today.

Actually, there is a difference between game designer and game developer. We will talk about different roles later.

Game Development Career Path

Game Development Career Path

This article discusses the various ways you can enter and succeed in the video game industry as a designer or developer.

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If you’re looking to take up your hobby as a game developer or create your own game and create the next Minecraft, I’ll give you some tips on how to make your first video game. I recommend starting.

Absolutely! The video game industry has grown tremendously over the past two decades and continues to grow at an incredible rate every year.

To put this into perspective, in 2018 the global box office hit $41.7 billion. That’s right, the video game industry is officially bigger than the movie industry.

So what does this mean for you? This means that there are countless studios, from small to large, trying to cash in on this charm train. And they all need workers, and to be honest, while there are a lot of aspiring game artists out there, you’d be surprised how good and talented they are.

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If ANY of the above attributes describe you, even just one, I have every reason to believe you can find a job in the gaming industry.

A positive attitude and eagerness to learn can overcome someone with average skills, who is difficult to work with and is not interested in learning new things.

Remember that you will have to work hard, especially in the early years. If you are not prepared for it, you will not succeed.

Game Development Career Path

Well, we all have to pay rent and eat, and if you find a way, I’d love to know your secret.

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All kidding aside, money is important and you deserve to know how much you can make before you jump into a stressful career.

The good news is that you can find some really good money making games! As an employee in 2018, you can expect an average annual salary of between $40,000 and $60,000 (USD). More experienced workers earn between $80,000 and $120,000 per year.

Love For Games is a great resource where you can see how each role breaks down across the company.

I want to tell you all to run and chase your dreams, but first we need to clear up a few things.

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Most people who play video games have probably thought that making games for a living would be cool at some point. But you have to understand that making games is not the same as playing them.

Creating a video is a long process that requires a lot of effort and problem solving. Before you decide to pursue a career in game design, I recommend playing a very simple game for a few evenings.

You may have heard of people working crazy hours in the gaming industry. Sorry, that’s not a lie. Especially before giving birth, people are expected to put their lives on hold and work 60-100 hours, sometimes for weeks at a time.

Game Development Career Path

Now, many experienced developers have started to stand their ground and refuse to go crazy over time and still manage to do their jobs.

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Working late hours and spending weekends at the office is mostly what you have to endure early in your career.

Honestly, when you’re new and learning, you probably don’t think about it. Because you will learn! And that’s what you’re there for.

But remember, if you can’t handle high pressure and stress, you should think twice about pursuing a career in games.

… If you’re aiming to become a programmer, most employers want to see at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science.

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If you want to be an artist or a designer, no one cares about your education. I’m serious, no one cares.

The important thing is that if you can prove that you can do the job, you have the job. period

However, you still have to learn how to get the job done somehow, and the best way to do that is to… go to school. Not just because you’re taking classes, but because you’re spending most of your time learning.

Game Development Career Path

Another huge bonus is the networking opportunities you have while at school. In the real world, you’ll have students talking to teachers working on games (hopefully).

What’s Your Place In The Games Industry?

If you can study at home in your spare time and develop enough skills to compete with us, you will definitely get a job!

Education doesn’t matter if you’re just getting a job. The sole purpose of training is to keep your employer safe. This gives them some proof that you know how to do the job.

A degree can also be useful if you need to apply for a work visa outside your home country.

We will talk about this in more detail in the section “How to build your first business”.

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There are many jobs in video game development and you need to decide which part is best for you.

I created a graph of the data that you can save for future reference. Trust me if you share!

Click here for hi res version. Feel free to use this infographic for personal use, but be sure 🙂

Game Development Career Path

Concept artists are one of the most popular jobs in the gaming industry and are a highly competitive job. If you know in your heart that you can’t paint, don’t pursue it.

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You will be briefed on what the designers are looking for and you will be expected to come up with different ideas, variations and sketches in a very short period of time.

You will be given notes and your work will be critiqued. Then you make the necessary changes and resubmit your work. Rinse and repeat until you are happy with your designs.

You must have heard, if you can’t draw, don’t let it, I said sternly.

Of course, that’s true, but you’re competing against naturally talented people with art degrees and years of experience.

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If you don’t have natural talent or are willing to put in thousands of hours of practice, you’re out of luck. Excuse me.

There are many different areas of programming, but for this article we’ll look at what it can cover. Once you start programming, you can always switch branches and figure out what you want to do after a while.

It’s about talking to game designers, understanding what they’re looking for, and writing code that does what they want.

Game Development Career Path

Jump, move, shoot the character. Run the user interface, buttons, sliders, what images to show. Physics simulations are very code and math heavy.

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You are given images by concept artists and expected to turn it into a 3D character ready to be placed in the game.

Usually divided into environment artists and character artists. However, you can switch back and forth between the two as you understand anatomy and architecture.

3D assets in games are very similar to those used in Visual Effects in the film industry. Many 3D artists go back and forth between the gaming and film industries to mix things up a bit.

You will be expected to create various pieces of animation that will be implemented in the game by the developers.

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Sound designers are a bit further away from other departments because their work is not visual.

Maybe it’s what you’ve been waiting for. Record and mix sounds to match your playing style and create a unique sound library.

This section is very similar to sound design in movies. If that’s your cup of tea, you can switch back and forth between movie and video game work.

Game Development Career Path

A very broad term. Someone has to think about what the game is about, how it works, how it plays. This is the game designer’s job.

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There are different areas of game design. It also depends on the genre you are interested in. Fantasy games have quest design, battle mechanics design, inventory design. Shooters level design is very heavy, and so on.

Basically, if you want to work with the core gameplay mechanics of how the game is supposed to work, you’ll need it.

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