How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together

How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together – Color Pattern Variation in Male Guppies: Males with rare color patterns acquire more mates and have more offspring. Credit: Helen Rodd and Anne Houde

() —New research shows that the color pattern of a rare male guppy is more attractive to females and more offspring fathers.

How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together

How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together

“We think females may show this preference because it helps them avoid mating with close relatives,” said Helen Rodd of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. “Guppies breed in small pools isolated from other pools in their stream and are often surrounded by fathers, uncles, brothers and cousins. By choosing a male that is sufficiently different from the others, the female can try to increase the chances of it. Not mating. with her.”

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The researchers examined this mate preference behavior to explain the different colors and patterns in natural fish populations. The bodies and tails of male guppies in nature are covered with spots and stripes of various colors: orange, yellow, blue, purple, green, black and white. The size and locations of the spots vary from person to person. “We think this variation exists because when females prefer unusual looking males, these rare males leave behind many children and grandchildren, and slowly the color pattern of him and his descendants becomes more common. But when this color pattern becomes more common. common, those who have it leave fewer offspring, and therefore the metamorphosis of the color gradually decreases in prevalence. We expect the cycle of the metamorphosis of the color “.

Rod says the phenomenon is like the fashions of previous decades that are recycled over time. “For example, a small group of hipsters in Greenwich, New York City or San Francisco decide to dress like people from the 70s, and then a fashion designer looks at them and thinks, ‘Hey, that’s great’ and spreads the message. which here it is. It’s nice to dress this way. “Eventually many people dress the same and it’s no longer innovative and goes out of style, until a decade later another fashion-conscious person rediscovers the fashion of the years ’70 “.

“Except that the situation with these fish is similar, in this study we have shown that this deceptive behavior in female fish actually translates into male success with females and the ability to pass their genes on to the next generation. New ‘fads’. they appear as new color combinations. They arise and eventually we see many different species today. A visual balance is achieved with color patterns. It’s like living in a big city: we see a whole range of styles, including Gothic. “

Over time, the female guppy’s preference for males with unusual color patterns and the discovery of new color morphs and the recycling of old color morphs should have created the stunning range of colors we see in these fish, has explained Rod.

How Do Guppy Fish Reproduce?

The research team conducted its experiments in the natural habitat of guppies, small ponds in the streams of Trinidad. They captured all male and female guppies from four to six pools and divided them into two types: those with a lot of color on the caudal fin or those with very little color on the tail fin. In their experimental manipulation, they positioned males in pools so that in some pools, 75% of males had a lot of color on their tails and 25% of males had little color on their tails. They used the opposite ratio in other pools. He gave the girls little tattoos to mark which pool they came from and put them back in his own pool.

After 16 or 17 days, they collected the females, brought them to the laboratory, raised their offspring and found out which male was the father of each offspring. They repeated this experiment in three different streams, four to six pools each time. Females constantly prefer rare males.

More Information: The paper, titled “Mating Advantage for Rare Males in Wild Guppy Populations,” appears in Nature on October 31.

How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together

Reference: Male guppies with rare female favorite color patterns (2013, October 30) Retrieved October 23, 2022 from https: ///news/2013-10-male-guppies-rarest-colour-patterns.html

Guppies: 10 Things You Should Know Before Buying Guppies

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Guppies And Tetras: A Complete Guide To Building A Mini Community Tank

Yup! Guppies and neon tetras make great tankmates when conditions are right. However, some problems can end up in the aquarium if conditions are wrong.

So, before you put guppies and neon tetras together, be sure to read the rest of the article to make sure you’re doing it safely.

You should know the temperament of each fish before putting them together. Knowing each fish’s temperament will help you better understand what it needs to be happy in the tank.

How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together

Guppies are very peaceful fish that will not cause problems in your aquarium. In fact, they can occasionally be selected based on the tankmates they have. After all, their long tails are prime targets for wire cutters.

How Long Do Guppies Take To Grow? Time Scale

Although it is very rare that they are aggressive towards other fish, it is not uncommon for male guppies to be aggressive towards each other. Especially when there aren’t enough females in the tub.

Ideally, you should have 1 male guppy for every 2 females to minimize the chances of aggression.

Breeding is very common in guppies and you should know that they give birth to live fry. Although most fry are eaten by other fish in your aquarium, there are times when they survive into adulthood.

Neon tetras are also peaceful fish, especially when the right conditions are met. However, there are times when they end up on the fins of other fish in your aquarium (including guppies). It is more common when their needs are not met.

Can Guppy Fish Live Alone?

The two main requirements they have are to be placed in a school of at least 6. They have plenty of room to swim (at least 15 gallons) and have plenty of hiding places.

If you keep all of this in mind, you will have happy neon tetras that will live peacefully in your tub!

Remember: with both neon tetras and guppies, it is very important to never keep a fish alone, but instead keep it in a school or flock.

How Many Male Guppies Can Live Together

Next you need to consider the habitat and aquarium requirements of both fish. After all, if the reservoir is designed for one and not the other, it can cause dissatisfaction and sickness to a group.

Guppy Fish Care: Food, Tank, Lifespan, Breeding, & Fry Care

Guppies originate from freshwater streams in South America, however they can be found in other places and in salt water.

Fortunately, there are just a couple of things you need to know about their tank requirements. First, make sure the tank is dense with greenery which gives them plenty of places to hide. Some good beginner plants include dwarf Anubias, Java fern, and Java moss. Secondly, make sure the current in the tank is not too strong.

And finally, if you want, you can also add driftwood, rocks and a good substrate to make them feel more comfortable.

Lastly, guppies need to be kept in an aquarium of at least 5 gallons. But if you plan on sticking to the recommended amount, 10 gallons is fine for them. The temperature should be between 74-82 ° F and the pH should be between 6.8-7.8.

Assorted Fancy Female Guppys For Sale: Order Online

Neon tetras are similar to guppies when it comes to their habitat. They are also mostly

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