Net Asset Value Approach Definition – Just as there are several reasons for seeking a business valuation, there are several different types of valuation methods that can be used to calculate the fair and defensible value of a business or its assets. Choosing the best valuation method is the first step in determining the value of a business or business asset. There are several factors to consider when deciding which type or types of valuation to use for a particular case, including the valuation factor, industry and specific business characteristics. Many cases require a combination of valuation analysis techniques to arrive at a defensible value. In this article we will look at the different valuation methods that are most commonly used and accepted in accounting practice, and which are most suitable for each purpose. Valuation purposes Several situations require a determination of a company’s current economic value: A desire to sell a business due to retirement, divorce, or health or family reasons. partners or members of an LLC Sale of a business share by a partner or member Calculating the value for tax purposes The reason for the assessment will determine the scope of the valuation analysis—is it for determining the value of real property for property tax purposes, or is for determining the value of the business for the purpose of sale? The valuation factor will provide a key data point for the best analytical methods to use. (Tweet it!) Do you need an experienced analyst to help determine the most appropriate valuation method—and provide valuable professional valuation opinion? Schedule a free discovery call with . Types of valuation methods Three main types of valuation methods are commonly used to determine the economic value of a business: market, cost and income; each method has advantages and disadvantages. In the following sections, we will describe each of these valuation methods and the situations in which each is appropriate. We will also look at examples in the energy industry to show how each method can be used to value a specific type of business asset. Market valuation methods There are basically two market methods of valuing a business. The first is based on finding comparable companies, analyzing the price/earnings ratio and other value indicators, setting up an average, and applying it to the company in question. This is actually a very inaccurate way to determine value, due to the fact that markets undervalue or overvalue companies. It is also difficult to estimate how much of the variation in abundance between similar firms is due to firm-specific factors. The second method of market evaluation is similar to using property comparisons. This method is based on the analysis of sales of similar properties, and shows the absolute cash value by analyzing recent sales or offer prices of similar companies. If such transactions are not similar to the related business, the sale price of the corresponding asset is adjusted to reflect the difference from the related business. In our example, a power plant can be valued using the market valuation method. Using a market approach may involve looking at recently built plants in one market, rather than looking for deals, which are likely to be few and far between. If there is no comparable property on the market, a plant currently under construction or approved for construction can be used for comparison. As in real estate valuations, comparable plants must be adjusted to reflect differences from the plant you are trying to value. For example, in a real estate appraisal, if you use a comparable home that has 3 bedrooms and the appraised property has 2, then the sales price of that home is adjusted for the additional bedroom. The same principle applies to power plants. Assets can have different lifespans; evolving environmental regulations and public policies have a significant impact on value. For example, if the plant being valued is coal-fired, there may be environmental or regulatory concerns that could make coal-fired power generation economically unviable. There are several limitations to the market approach. In many cases, the market may not be active enough to provide sales data on comparable properties, and there may not be reliable sources to provide independent verification of value. For the accounting of large, complex, income-generating assets, a detailed analysis of similar activities is difficult; not only are there few of these transactions, but information related to the economic factors that influenced buyers’ decisions in those transactions is not available through public records. These types of transactions often include the purchase of intangible assets such as trademarks, patents, goodwill agreements, trade secrets and customer relationships. The true fair value of these properties is not clear to an outsider who was not involved in the sale. To be useful for comparison purposes, a comparable company’s sales price must identify its components of value—tangible versus intangible assets, real versus personal assets, and taxable versus nontaxable assets. Even though an appraiser can assign different elements of value, the complexity of the factors can make sales an unreliable indicator of business value. And even if all relevant information is available, the process of making value adjustments for comparables and the company in question is subjective, and therefore produces a valuation that cannot be as strongly defensible as one calculated by another valuation method. For these reasons, the market valuation method can provide important data points about the “level of business” for the same business at a given time – but in most cases it will not accurately determine the true fair value of the company. However, the market approach is sometimes used as a merger and acquisition (M&A) valuation method. In an M&A transaction, the acquiring company often expects to achieve some kind of business compromise by acquiring the business in question, and as a result, they do not bother to determine the actual value of the company in question when negotiating the acquisition. does not become The market valuation method is also one of the most widely used valuation methods in finance. Costing method The costing method is based on the logic of the replacement principle. The idea is that prudent investors will pay no more for an asset than they would for an alternative asset of similar use. As with the market method, there are two starting points for the cost method of valuation: reproduction cost and replacement cost. Reproduction cost is an estimate of the cost, at current prices, to create an exact replica of the subject property, using the same materials, construction methods and standards, design and quality of workmanship, and including all property deficiencies, excess adequacy, and. obsolete in this particular article. Replacement cost is the cost of replacing an existing asset with a new one of the same use, as at a specified date. For obvious reasons, replacement costs are more significant in terms of the replacement principle; a prudent investor would not choose to replicate an existing property and include outdated, obsolete or unused features. Using our example of power plants, if a company is considering buying a plant that serves 100,000 people, it will pay no more for the existing plant than it would to build a new plant to serve the same 100,000 to serve people. The cost of the new plant can be determined by calculating the cost of the equipment and the cost of the building. The cost of building a new modern and functionally compatible plant will usually be lower than rebuilding an existing plant. A new factory can be built at a lower cost, in a more efficient way, using the latest materials and methods of construction and the latest technology. The new plant will phase out old, inefficient equipment. Additionally, a new plant avoids the overall cost of capital maintenance that creates “unrestricted assets”—assets that exist but are not used for operating capacity—on the books. The cost is then adjusted for depreciation to arrive at the current replacement value minus the depreciation of the power plant. One advantage of the cost method is that it is a consistent method of valuing capital supported by current market costs and operating conditions. It provides a clear value of a tangible asset because that value is clearly separated from all other assets. Used in conjunction with the income method, the cost method allows intangible assets to be valued indirectly. Tangible values determined by the cost approach are subtracted from the business value determined by the income approach; the rest is the value of intangible assets. As for limitations, the cost method requires very reliable data. This requires calculating the cost of supplies, materials, and labor, and, in our example, generating information about the best way to serve those 100,000 customers. Finding and developing this information is data- and time-consuming. intensive. Revenue Assessment Methodology
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