Is Specialty Chemicals A Good Career Path

Is Specialty Chemicals A Good Career Path – Chemical companies looking to navigate the challenges ahead will have to rethink their traditional approach to innovation. This includes leveraging advances in digital and materials science and technology to harness innovation, work with ecosystem partners, and focus on advancing our business model.

Innovation continues to be one of the main drivers of sustainable growth in the chemical industry. But chemical companies’ old approach to innovation and status quo may no longer be an option. This is because there are many changes happening in the industry and more are likely to change in the future.

Is Specialty Chemicals A Good Career Path

Is Specialty Chemicals A Good Career Path

What has changed? The answer lies in the growth of digital technologies and open digital platforms used in materials computing. Value is moving from traditional R&D departments in chemical companies to materials computing platforms. Until now, the process of discovering and developing new chemicals has remained largely unchanged and largely based in the laboratory. This made it difficult to predict material behavior under new conditions and required many laboratory experiments, which were often expensive, unproductive and time consuming. There has often been a disconnect between the accelerating pace of change in the market and the slowness of the innovation process.

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To meet this challenge, a new startup at the intersection of materials science and computer science called Materials Computing envisions an open digital platform. These platforms have the ability to aggregate large amounts of material knowledge from disparate sources into a single, reliable and searchable format and use machine learning algorithms to develop new innovations quickly and efficiently. I have.

More broadly, digital technologies are changing the basis of competition by unlocking potential value and making markets more accessible (Figure 1). The applicability of advanced digital technologies becomes even more important in situations such as the one the world is facing today. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, digital technology can help rapidly redesign products to reduce costs in light of changing supply chains. For example, a start-up that is using artificial intelligence (AI) to drive innovation in ingredients is evaluating, optimizing, and assimilating knowledge of ingredient recipes and domains to produce low-cost formulas within three months. is discovering

Advanced simulations and experiments can now be performed on computers that digitally model the output of a product or process to determine the optimal combination of design, product and process attributes that allow companies to create highly functional solutions. help you to Some large chemical companies have invested heavily in such digital capabilities, enabling simulations to run at a fraction of the cost of real-world experiments. Such simulations tend to help companies reduce failures during product development and make physical laboratory testing more robust.

Therefore, to create sustainable long-term value, traditional chemical companies can look to reshape innovation using advanced digital technologies and open platforms, as well as collaboration and partnerships. This allows you to bring new products and processes to market quickly, scale them, and improve the profit margins on your innovation efforts. Industry leaders can start by asking a few key questions.

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Chemical companies striving to change many of the established innovation practices and norms to successfully navigate the innovation challenge may be well positioned to take full advantage of the opportunities ahead.

Over the years, the chemical industry has created innovative and unique products such as polystyrene and the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that surround us every day. In recent years, however, only a few chemical companies have been at the forefront of groundbreaking innovation, and many others have had mixed results. The decade was the busiest in terms of discoveries of , but 9 major chemical discoveries were made in 20 years, compared with 13 major discoveries between 2000 and 2019. The pace of innovation in new molecules and materials has also slowed. With the exception of innovative crop protection chemicals, the chemical industry has not developed a successful product in the last decade.

However, this seems to be changing rapidly. Advances in digital technologies such as 3D printing are creating new opportunities and pushing materials companies to introduce innovative products. For example, a new class of structurally stable polymers to replace metal plates and prostheses used in complex bone surgery. In addition, technologies such as advanced data analytics and biochemical analytics have paved the way for many SMEs to enter the chemical industry (107 new companies with annual revenues of less than US$3 billion have increased in the last decade). entered the industry).

Is Specialty Chemicals A Good Career Path

Our analysis finds that while industry R&D spending has remained relatively flat in recent years, companies report that the value of their patented products and technologies has more than doubled over the past 15 years. increase.

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Moreover, the number of mentions of innovation-related keywords in his 10-K reports for chemical companies has increased significantly over the past decade (Figure 2). And while innovation at the molecular level is less active, companies are still creating significant value in application development, modifying existing molecules and processes to improve performance. It is clear that R&D efficiency and productivity are increasing year by year.

However, chemical companies may consider changing their approach to innovation to better navigate their own current disruptions (Figure 3). Even beyond the recession exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak, chemical companies face long-term disruption. For example, companies outside the industry have entered the fray, competing with established industry leaders. End market demand is changing due to consumer preferences and policy/regulatory changes

Industries are being affected by decarbonization and other aspects of the energy transition, changing raw material prices and demand for materials;

(See sidebar, Energy Transition and Innovation: Implications for the Chemical Sector). In this environment, chemical companies must focus on planning for the future and realigning their strategy and innovation efforts.

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Deloitte conducted a series of his executive interviews with subject matter experts to better understand how chemical companies can capitalize on innovation opportunities amid rapidly evolving disruption. , developed his own innovation his benchmark his framework. Based on findings from these two approaches, he provides some insights that chemical companies can consider to generate higher value from their innovation efforts.

In her 2010 paper, titled The Next Decade: Preparing for an Unpredictable Future in the Global Chemical Industry, she explores several scenarios in which the global chemical industry may evolve in response to several megatrends. presented. “Energy efficiency” and “government mandates” emerged strongly as megatrends at the time. What was not anticipated, however, was the emergence of the United States as a producer of low-cost raw materials and competition with China. These changes have redefined the nature and strength of these megatrends in recent years.

In 2020, as in 2010, the fate of the global chemical industry is closely linked to end-market demand (Figure 4), price volatility of key raw materials, trade and regulatory barriers, and sustainability. increase. Sustainability can lead to higher incorporation of recycled materials into existing products and use of renewable nutrients (sidebar ‘Passing the Sustainability Wave: The Growing Role of New Solutions’ ). Similarly, electric vehicles are expected to compete for a large share of the automotive market as demand for cars declines. The energy transition scenario still predicts an oil-dominated world, but the use of renewable resources and natural gas is expected to increase significantly. Then there is demographic change, which exacerbates the industry skills gap. With the majority of critical R&D talent leaving over the next decade and immigration restrictions continuing, how the chemical industry recruits, develops and retains skilled talent remains a compelling question.

Is Specialty Chemicals A Good Career Path

Given single-use plastic and landfill bans, as well as other regulatory burdens, plastic manufacturers and processors appear concerned about future demand for virgin plastic materials.

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Sustainability remains at the heart of this issue, but its scope is not limited to reducing environmental pollution, but is instead expanded to include resource efficiency, water use and energy efficiency. In this context, the role of new products, technologies and business models introduced by chemical companies can be of great help.

For example, there is great interest in chemical recycling technology. Tech startups looking to commercialize various chemical recycling technologies such as solvolysis, depolymerization, pyrolysis and gasification are attracting attention from VC funds and large chemical companies. Chemical recycling technology is only one part of the solution to address plastic waste, but the challenges of increasing capital and operating costs, raw material production and procurement remain high, making it difficult to solve the plastic waste problem. That is why the consortium approach is being adopted more and more. more. .

These technology start-ups have formed strategic alliances with interested partners such as major chemical companies, consumer goods companies and local governments to produce recycled polymers or ready-to-use products for use in existing manufacturing environments. By extracting and supplying the energy that can be generated, we are realizing “circulation”. chain. Or through monomer production.

All these developments show that commercializing advanced technologies and products may not be enough.To achieve a win-win situation for both companies and companies, supportive A robust business model and stakeholder involvement (such as government agencies and industry associations) are required. consumer. And while interest in chemical recycling may be on the backburner given the projected recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fundamentals driving it are:

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