Bible Verses To Teach Children

Bible Verses To Teach Children – Learn about God’s love with these 12 short Bible verses for kids, free printable memory verse cards, and a Bible Verse Challenge Reward Chart!

Reading the Bible with our children is a special time together. Encouraging them to memorize scriptures helps open their hearts to experience God’s love and learn how He shared that love through Jesus. Through these short Bible verses, our children can learn that:

Bible Verses To Teach Children

Bible Verses To Teach Children

As I work with my girls, I take a few minutes each day to review the scriptures for the week. We keep it casual, silly and fun!

Bible Verses For Protection & Safety Of Your Child (son Or Daughter)

Sign up for our newsletter to receive free bible verse cards and start your own Bible Verse Challenge! Use the free reward chart to celebrate your child’s success. Post it on the fridge and track each verse they learn with stickers. When their task is finished, decide on a special treat to share and celebrate their learning of God’s love together.

Tap it, tap it, tap it or sing along. Bring Tupperware and make your own drums. Research shows that music helps develop better memory skills (especially in young children), “accelerates” brain development and strengthens attention, language and math skills!

Create a small play based on your poem, make a puppet or come up with movements based on the main words. Challenge your son or daughter to come up with their own activities. Here’s a fun example from one of CHP’s VBS programs.

You can also try adding ASL (American Sign Language). Here is an online dictionary for children. At the end of the week, get together and put on a play after Sunday dinner.

Best Bible Memory Verses For Toddlers And Preschoolers

Take turns reading your poem in different voices. Try a robot, cowboy/girl, alien, pirate, snake, squeaky or underwater voice. Play with volume and speed – loud and whisper, fast and slow, or how about creepy, sleepy or echoey?

For this activity, I bought a pack of chalkboard stickers from the dollar store and attached them to a set of Duplo blocks. Each week, write your poem on a set of blocks. Mix up the pieces and let your child build a tower by placing the word blocks in order.

Print two copies of your free bible verse cards for kids and play a game of Hack the Fish or flip them over for a Memory Match challenge.

Bible Verses To Teach Children

Studying these simple Bible verses as a family led to many interesting conversations about who God is and why Christians believe that God = Love. Take time to discuss each verse together. What is God telling us in this scripture? How can we share this message of love with friends and family? I’ve included some discussion ideas to get you started.

Bible Verses For Kids About Generosity

This verse is part of the Great Commission. Jesus sends his disciples to tell everyone about God. But we don’t have to be afraid, because Jesus will always be with us and help us know what to do. Pray that Jesus will show us how we can share God’s love with our friends.

God loves us no matter what we do. He even loved us before we were born! There is nothing we can do to take away God’s love. Ask your child how it makes him feel and talk about the idea of ​​”unconditional love.”

It’s easy for us to get angry or frustrated when things don’t go our way. God is not like that. He is always full of love. Talk to your child about what he can do when he is angry or upset to calm down and fill his heart with love.

4. 1 John 4:9 “This is how God showed his love for us: He sent his only begotten Son into the world, so that we might live through him.” (NIV)

Memory Verses For Kids That Teach Forgiveness

God loves us so much that He sent us Jesus so that we can be part of His family forever. Write a thank you letter to Jesus for teaching us about God’s love.

5. Romans 5:5 “The love of God is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who is given to us.” (NIV)

God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love, peace, joy and to be our helper, guide and comforter. Ask your child about a time he helped or comforted someone. Then talk about what they would like the Holy Spirit to help them with today.

Bible Verses To Teach Children

6. 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.” (NIV)

Bible Verses For Children

In this letter, Paul is writing to the Church in Corinth. He describes to them what God’s love is. Love is not jealous or boastful, it is not proud and always thinks of others. Draw a heart on paper. Think of all the words and actions that are examples of “love” and put them in your heart. They may also enjoy drawing pictures to illustrate their ideas. Outside of the heart, think of ways people behave that are not “loving.” Pray with your child that you and your family will come to know God’s love more and more

All love comes from God because God is made of love! When we show love to our friends and family, we spread God’s love in the world. Brainstorm with your child 5 things they can do this week to show love to their family, school and community.

Come up with a list to describe what love means to your child. Ask them what you do that makes them feel loved? Share some of their actions that make you feel loved. Make a bundle to fill each other with a “bucket of love” every day.

Paul writes another letter, this time to the Ephesians about how Christians should behave. He talks about how God calls us to be humble, gentle, patient and loving towards one another. How does this help us be better friends? How has God shown us His patience? Think of some examples of how we can be patient with others.

Bible Verses To Teach Kids With Printables

10. Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

God asks us to love Him with all our heart, soul and strength. We hide nothing from God! Why do you think God wants us to give Him “everything”? What are some ways we can show God that we love Him every day? Make a list of ideas that make sense for your family. Place it in your child’s bedroom and let them choose one or two for each day.

We don’t always get along with everyone. It can be easier to dislike some people than to like them. But God gives us the power to love, even those people we find annoying or troublesome. How can we show love to others when they are against us? Say a prayer asking God to help you feel love the next time someone hurts you, even if you don’t think they deserve it!

Bible Verses To Teach Children

12. Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.” (NIV)

Top 5 Bible Verses To Memorize With Kids

Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect except God! But that’s okay because God sent us Jesus and has already forgiven us for all our mistakes. All we have to do is believe and follow him. Ask your child about a time when he was able to forgive a friend. how did you feel

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I hope you enjoyed this activity. Comment below and tell us how your family celebrated the Bible Verse Contest! Invite others to join by sharing or pinning.

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Kids Bible Verse Free Printable

When your baby is born, you can baptize him to mark the beginning of his Christian journey. After your child is baptized, it is your responsibility to remind them of their relationship with God as they grow. Teaching your child good behavior can be a learning process –

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