Help Finding Career Path

Help Finding Career Path – As a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” You were asked a question, and you probably answered that you wanted to be a dancer, a doctor, or an astronaut. Then, as you got older, teachers, counselors, and parents asked you what you wanted to major in as a career. You might be one of the lucky few who know exactly what you want to do – but if you’re among the majority who have no idea, don’t worry.

It’s important to remember that you’re not “stuck” in any one career, and life after graduation isn’t entirely linear. Just because your first job might be in marketing, for example, doesn’t mean you can’t switch careers to data analytics or finance.

Help Finding Career Path

Help Finding Career Path

However, if you are looking for a place to start, think about your personal strengths and likes; Then consider what careers might go with them. Ask yourself: “If I could spend 8 hours a day (more time than I spend with my family or friends), what would I do?” In our experience working with thousands of students each year, the answer to this practical question is overwhelming. Much easier than grandpa’s dreaded “what do you want to do when you graduate” question. One of our early host partners, Hailey Darden of Invisible Technologies, calls this process “finding your verbs.” Literally, if you could script your work what you would want to do every day.

The Importance Of The Process Of Choosing A Career Path: [essay Example], 405 Words Gradesfixer

A strong communicator with a creative side. You love to communicate in different ways – writing, designing and telling stories.

Personable and likes to cooperate with others. You are an extrovert. You like to solve problems and may be interested in sales.

While this is not an exhaustive list, we hope it gives you a starting point to explore your career options. The key takeaway here should be that you can combine your personal skills and what you love with your career. If you love what you do, you are more likely to succeed. So you’re a high school student thinking of pursuing a career in the eSports industry, huh? That’s great to hear and we’re happy to say you’ve come to the right place!

We’re HitMarker, the largest eSports (and gaming) jobs website, and the good people here have invited us here to help you find your career in our exciting industry.

Steps For Finding The Right Career Path

That means we’re going to share with you “The Three Whats”, our tried and tested three-step approach to getting started in eSports, as well as an example of what our own process looks like when we’re at our peak. school

See “The Sweet Spot” in the chart above? We’ll help you find your own sweet spot, and with any luck we’ll fill it with great eSports jobs for you to apply for.

At this point, we think it’s important to let you know that not everyone has a “sweet spot” (whether they’re in high school or not), and there’s nothing wrong with that. While this process certainly helps many students figure out what they want to do and where they are headed in their careers, it doesn’t work for everyone.

Help Finding Career Path

But let’s see how it goes. For this part you need a good old fashioned pen and paper or… wait, who are we kidding? If you have your phone with you or are reading this on your tablet, you’re good!

What To Do When You Lack Career Direction

Try to do this yourself first, but if you find it difficult, don’t be afraid to ask a family member, friend or teacher for help. You might be surprised how much it helps to get another opinion on what you’re good at!

That’s pretty simple, right? But have you ever sat down for a few minutes and written down what you think are your skills or abilities in a big list? We guess not…

Why not try it now and see how you find it? We’ll still be here when you’re done.

Keep these things in mind and see if you can add anything to your list, or start from scratch if you don’t already have one!

Coding Career Path

Your list may include some “hard skills,” which are teachable abilities, or a set of skills that are easy to measure, such as the ability to write code, understand a foreign language, communicate through text, draw/design things, and analyze data. Basically things you can learn and get better at the more you practice.

Likewise, your list may include “soft skills,” which are qualities and personality traits that are difficult to measure, such as creativity, adaptability, teamwork, leadership, and work ethic.

If there is already a combination of the two, that’s great. If not, try filling in some of the blanks using our examples above. By the way, it’s also worth doing your own research on hard and soft skills, as this will help you speak to employers about your strengths.

Help Finding Career Path

Think about what you would most like to do in the world. We imagine that for many of you it might be playing video games, which is a great starting point if you want to work in eSports in the future.

Finding The Career Path That’s Right For You

However, many people rely heavily on “gamer” in our industry. This is a great application boost, but it’s important to think about work-related activities you enjoy. This is what you depend on if you want to work on the business side of eSports rather than playing competitively.

If you are involved in any activities, clubs, societies or sports inside or outside of school, think about why you are giving up your free time to them.

This list may be shorter than the first, and that’s okay. It can be very less structured, which is perfectly fine. We’re trying to get to the point where we see if there are any jobs in eSports where you can combine what you’re good at with what you enjoy. Your own “sweet spot”.

Not only do companies sign up to our platform to post their jobs directly, but we aggregate jobs from other sources like Indeed, LinkedIn, company career pages and social media. We find 99% of all eSports jobs posted online, which means HitMarker is the perfect starting point for your search.

Finding Your Passion And Career Path

On HitMarker, you can search for jobs based on their location (country, state, city), desired experience level (in years), and contract type (full-time, part-time, etc.). However, for the purposes of this three-step plan, we will focus on the sector in which the work is located.

“Sector” is our term for a specific part of the eSports industry, such as marketing, software engineering, business development/sales, graphic design, and coaching – all of which exist within eSports.

Here you can see a complete breakdown of all the zones in the hitmarker, along with an explanation of what each one means. This is your starting point for determining which sectors might have your skills and the jobs you like to overlap.

Help Finding Career Path

Once you’ve specified one or more sectors, it’s time to go to our Find a Job page and add them to the Sector field. For now, don’t worry about location, level or contract type. You can always adjust your filter later.

What To Do When You’re Confused About Your Career Path

When you’re done adding circles, you should have a list of jobs that roughly match what you’re looking for. Here you can be smart. If these jobs look interesting, you can check their requirements and responsibilities by reading the job description. If you read a few and see the same two or three points, you know this is a skill you need to try and learn!

Now remember the lists we made earlier about what you are good at and what you love to do? Let’s compare what’s there with what you might see in job descriptions.

Do you see a lot of overlap? If so, that’s great! If not, it may be time to get more support from a family member, friend or teacher, or contact us directly. Our team members are happy to help you one-on-one (for free, of course).

Before you do that, let’s take a look at our example because it might make it easier for you…

Finding A Career Path When Feeling Lost In Life

Although the sixteen-year-old us in the picture above (writing) had one hard skill that was really relevant, it opened up several fields.

Combined with our list of hard and soft skills, this makes us potentially suitable for editing and writing, hosting and presenting, executive and management and marketing sectors. In these sectors, we found a number of jobs on HitMarker where the responsibilities and requirements seemed to fit our skills. Then we’ve included their most common job titles here.

Now our high school version is ready for internships and already have a clear idea of ​​what kind of jobs will be available to them in the future.

Help Finding Career Path

This means that they can use these job titles to consider what type of work they are doing

How To Find A Career Path

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