Marketing Manager Career Path

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Content marketing is growing. But the promotional ladder for consultants is missing most of its steps.

Marketing Manager Career Path

Marketing Manager Career Path

While many organizations see content marketing as an important and functional strategy (we at CMI are patting ourselves on the back), most don’t know how to build a career ladder for this practice. (we stopped patting ourselves on the back).

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In most businesses I visit, I see confusion about where these content gurus sit in the organizational structure. Worse, I see death for many.

Moving forward, consultants must move on—meaning they leave the team and may even move away from the brand.

This is a problem for content groups – and the entire industry. Content marketing cannot be a strategic part of a business if the people involved in the business cannot reach the highest positions in the business.

If you’re not giving #ContentMarketing professionals a way to get ahead – you’re driving them away. This is a problem that Robert_Rose wants to fix with @CMIContent. Click to tweet What is creating actionable content?

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The World Economic Forum’s January 2020 Jobs of Tomorrow report predicts that jobs in the “sales, marketing and content” sector will be second only to health care. for students interested in exploring these career opportunities.

Job opportunities in the marketing, sales and content sector are second only to healthcare, according to @wef Jobs of Tomorrow via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

An increasing number of companies are also establishing internal marketing agencies. In 2018, the National Association of Advertisers released a survey that found 78% of their members said they had “some type of in-house business” compared to 58% in 2013. In services provided by these in-house groups, content marketing saw the greatest increase: 75% of content marketing was stored in 2018 compared to 34% in 2013.

Marketing Manager Career Path

In 2020, the ANA’s report on the world of commerce after COVID-19 found that “50% of survey respondents said that their domestic business is the ‘most important’ resource for generating wealth innovation.”

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All these years add up to this: content marketers and content planners face a great workplace environment. Companies are in desperate need of talent for the internal creative and content marketing efforts they are increasingly creating and relying on.

The problem lies in the low ceiling of the business in marketing and communication. Whether they are individual contributors or team leaders, most content marketers and project planners only have three choices when it comes to management level. They can:

Top level content marketers have limited options for promotion. @Robert_Rose wants to change that with @CMIContent. #ContentMarketing Click to tweet why we need a corporate ladder in content

When I was CMO of a fast-growing company, an assistant told me that hiring someone was the most important thing the company could do. And he said again, “Be careful.”

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If the job is too expensive, the best employee will be lost. It is said that replacing an employee who resigns costs 21% of his annual salary.

But the answer is not simply to tie the content worker to the traditional marketing career ladder. If businesses seek to turn every salesperson into a brand sales machine, they’re missing out on the experience economy—and jeopardizing their ability to retain tomorrow’s communications professionals.

Your fully equipped HR department is a corporate ladder for traditional marketing. In other words, they have a description of what it means to be an entry-level sales professional, sales manager, senior manager, manager, etc.

Marketing Manager Career Path

But few organizations have an advanced approach for content coaches. I know because I have been asked many times to help organizations create.

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I’m not talking about roles, titles, or the kinds of groups you should create. (If you want my references for these, read The 7 Key Content Marketer Jobs for 2020.)

I encourage content team leaders to work with their HR departments to set up a formal career ladder for the content team roles you have now (and what you want to create). . This will give everyone on your team a role to play and understand the skills and expectations to move to an advanced role.

#CEOs need to work with HR to establish a formal corporate ladder for content or risk losing their best employees, says @Robert_Rose via @CMIContent. Click to tweet is a content marketing performance example

A career ladder is a road map for advancing to higher levels of responsibility, pay and power.

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I created this basic career progression model to help content leaders plan a career ladder for their teams. It features a track for leadership roles (people management and strategy) and a track for specialty roles (writers, videographers, video designers, etc.) at the individual contributor level.

The team’s leadership path shows progression from manager to manager to executive director to vice president of content (or chief content officer) to CMO. The individual contributor approach to skill development shows a three-level progression.

Wherever your team members fall this way, you’ve created a place they can go (and the requirements to get there).

Marketing Manager Career Path

Like I said, this article isn’t about what group activities you want or what your group should look like.

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But to help you develop your own pieces, I’ve created this template that shows the leadership path of a content marketer or content strategist from entry level to VP of Content.

Your content marketing model and content strategy will determine the number, type, and seniority of people to fill your team (and how your team will grow over time).

Note that the framework shows the VP of content moving to a traditional chief marketing officer or general marketing leadership position. The purpose is to be responsible for the content that should be included in that leadership role.

It’s great that content marketing is on the rise now that companies need a career path for qualified content employees. Now it’s time to develop one.

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Hear from Robert Rose and many other industry experts at World Content Watch 2021 this fall. Register today for early bird rates.

Robert is the founder and chief strategy officer of Content Consulting, the education and communications arm of The Marketing Institute. Robert has worked with more than 500 companies, including 15 of the Fortune 100. He has provided content marketing and strategic consulting to global brands such as Capital One, NASA, Dell, McCormick Spices, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Robert’s third book – Killing Marketing, and author Joe Polizzi called it “the book that writes the rules of marketing”. His second book – Experiences: The Seventh Stage of Marketing is a bestseller and is called “an essay and a call to arms for marketers to lead business in the 21st century”. Robert’s first book, Managing Content Marketing, spent two weeks as the top selling book on and is called the “master’s guide” to content marketing. You can follow him on Twitter @Robert_Rose.

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Marketing Manager Career Path

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Marketing Manager Career Path

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