Home Alone Quotes

Home Alone Quotes – Home Alone quotes are based on the 1990 comedy film Home Alone, written and directed by Chris Columbus. The film follows a young boy who defends his home against two burglars after his family leaves him behind in Chicago while they are on vacation in Paris. The movie stars Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister and became famous for his rib-cracking quotes. So if you are interested in Home Alone quotes, here they are.

Home Alone is one of the most famous Christmas movies of all time. It has definitely become a Christmas trend, and many people watch it year after year.

Home Alone Quotes

Home Alone Quotes

Home Alone is, without a doubt, the best Christmas movie of all time. The film is full of silly fun, thrills, music and snow, and is set in the days leading up to Christmas. The cast of this movie was entertaining, and everyone played their roles in a fun and memorable way. However, the quirky quotes caught our attention, and anyone who has seen the film can recite a memorable line or two.

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So what does Kevin at Home Alone say? Here are some popular movie quotes for your enjoyment. Some of the lines and phrases from the film are instantly recognizable and a joy to memorize.

Most of these lines are funny, while others are heartfelt, but all are memorable. So, what is the famous line from Home Alone? Here are 26 hilarious and unforgettable quotes from the movie.

1. “This house is full of people, it makes me sick! when I grow up and get married, I live alone!” – Kevin

At the beginning of the film, Kevin loses his cool with his family. He jumps up and down, shouting these words to anyone who will listen. Although he does not seem to understand the concept of marriage in this comment, it is interesting when the context of his words hits home.

Being Home Alone Quotes. Quotesgram

Kevin is so fed up with his family that he wishes they would disappear. Because of this, when he wakes up the next day and finds his family gone, he thinks he’s the one who made them go.

This comment comes from Kevin’s older sister, Linnie. It’s one of the most common sayings about Home Alone. It’s funny and entertaining, making it one of the best quotes on film.

This hilarious quote comes from Mitch Murphy, the chatty neighbor of the McCallisters, who appears only briefly but plays an important role in the plot as he is responsible for the series of unfortunate events that lead to Kevin being left behind.

Home Alone Quotes

When Kevin goes grocery shopping alone, he tries to pick out a new toothbrush, but worries about its quality. So he asks the shopkeeper this legendary question that had the audience laughing out loud at Kevin’s innocent question.

I’ve Got Purple Possibilities — Quotes Aesthetics: Home Alone

At the shop, Kevin meets his old neighbor Marley. However, he is afraid and runs away because he was afraid of his neighbor. However, he doesn’t realize that he still has a toothbrush in his hands. The store clerk misinterprets Kevin as a shoplifter and follows him. On the way home, Kevin shakes his head and bemoans the fact that he is now a successful criminal.

Those words are another comment told to Kevin by one of his older brothers the night before he was abandoned. Considering that most of his family members hated him that very evening, it’s easy to understand why Kevin wanted them all gone.

Kevin can’t carry his suitcase and so he seeks help. But, unfortunately, he doesn’t get any sympathy from the family when Megan gives this famous quote that leaves her brother helpless.

Kevin’s extended family has joined them for the trip, and he has to sleep in a bed with his cousin Fuller who continues to drink soda the whole time.

Home Alone Quotes Stickers

10. “Bless this nutritious macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it. Amen.” – Kevin

Kevin misses his family and does his best to take care of himself at home alone. He is thoughtful because he takes time to appreciate his food before consuming it.

We meet the thugs, Harry and Marv, making it their business to break into people’s houses. Marv suggests they create a trademark to distinguish themselves from other mobsters. He suggests they adopt the nickname “wet thugs” because of Marv’s tendency to wet someone’s house after stealing it.

Home Alone Quotes

When the rest of the family rushes to the airport, they do not realize that Kevin is not with them. Instead, Kate, Kevin’s mother, just feels uncomfortable and like she forgot something on the plane. This is when he realizes that they have abandoned his son, and he lets out this familiar cry.

The Best ‘home Alone 2: Lost In New York’ Quotes, Ranked

This sentence is from Kevin’s fictional film, Angels With Filthy Souls. He uses the movie mode to scare the intruders who try to enter his house.

Kevin is happy when he has the whole house to himself. These pictures perfectly show what it’s like to be a kid and have the freedom to do whatever you want. He enjoys the freedom to eat and do as he pleases. So, the first thing he does is eat a lot of food and watch a movie that is not suitable for children.

15. “Please, can you tell him that instead of gifts this year, I just want my family back.” – Kevin

When Kevin meets Santa, he instructs the fictional Santa to deliver a letter to the real Santa detailing his Christmas wishes. It’s nice and sad that all he wants is his family now that he realizes how important it is to him.

Movie Review Of Home Alone 3

Home Alone 2 is a sequel to the first Home Alone film and the second episode in the series. In Lost in New York, the McCallister family travels to Miami for Christmas but loses Kevin at the airport. What follows is a hilarious battle that will make you laugh so hard you’ll cry. In addition, the film is full of memorable sayings and quotes that will stay with you for a long time. Here are some more Home Alone quotes to make your day.

Kevin is smarter than most ten-year-olds, but this sentence sums up how ridiculous these movies are, as he sets violent but humorous traps for the two thieves. He can even overpower the entire hotel staff, forcing them to look stupid. There doesn’t seem to be a problem that Kevin can’t figure out how to solve. He even manages to live in New York without the supervision of his parents.

Marv and Harry have great chemistry and feel like they are straight out of a Looney Tunes cartoon. Marv’s madness is hilarious as he tries to convince Harry that no one would rob a toy store on Christmas Eve. Harry can’t believe how stupid Marv is sometimes, but Marv doesn’t understand the expression.

Home Alone Quotes

Harry has repeatedly threatened to kill Kevin, but at least this comment brings Christmas cheer. Of course, it’s possible that Kevin’s parents sent him a tombstone for Christmas, but kudos to Harry for trying to guess the gift.

Home Alone Quotes You Probably Say All The Time

In this hilarious exchange with a hotel employee, Kevin confuses the rules with alcohol and sugar and ice cream. The irony is that he’s ten, so he can’t drive anyway.

Kevin does not know who Hoover is and believes it is a vacuum company. This hilarious comment shows the innocence of childhood, and even though Kevin is experienced, he may need to learn more about American politics.

Angels with Filthy Souls, a parody gangster film with very effective dialogue, was one of the highlights of the first Home Alone film. In the sequel, the same over-the-top villain from the previous film appears in another fake gangster film. Kevin’s hotel security will be spooked by this line. It’s an inappropriate joke that’s made even funnier by the hotel staff’s reaction.

While the quote itself isn’t funny, the comic timing and wonderful delivery make it so. Kevin’s family realizes he is missing after he gets off the plane and gives him his bag. Even his mother, at first, says without realizing what she is saying.

Home Alone Quotes

As for Kevin’s father, the situation is dire. Catherine O’Hara then lets out another “KEVIN!” right, this time from the front row. Again, this quote is delivered with great comic timing and delivery.

Kevin is caught on camera catching his uncle singing in the shower and is yelled at. Later, Kevin uses that phrase to scare the hotel clerk out of his room. It is a sense of humor that shows his truly brutal talent.

Buzz repeatedly bullies Kevin and gets away with it. Following his prank on his brother at the Christmas choir concert, he apologizes to his family for showing off his acting skills. He then whispers that nasty insult to Kevin.

Home Alone Quotes

The hotel staff is completely surprised by this line. A character accuses another of cheating on him in a porn movie when they raid Kevin’s.

My Serendipity — Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992)

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