How To Deal With Cancer Patient

How To Deal With Cancer Patient – Each person experiences chemotherapy differently, both physically and emotionally. Each person experiences different side effects from chemotherapy, and different chemotherapy drugs cause different side effects. Fortunately, as the science of cancer treatment advances, so does the science of managing the side effects of treatment.

Whatever you feel, remember that there is no correlation between how you feel after chemotherapy and how well it works for you.

How To Deal With Cancer Patient

How To Deal With Cancer Patient

Many people feel fine in the first few hours after chemotherapy. Usually, some kind of reaction occurs after about four to six hours. However, some people do not respond until 12 or even 24-48 hours after treatment. Some people experience almost all of the side effects described below, while others experience almost none.

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We have many treatments to help you manage the side effects. Please let us know how you feel so we can address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable.

Your well-being is very important to us. There is a delicate balance between the benefits of chemotherapy and the harm of possible side effects. Please tell your doctor if you think the harm outweighs the benefit.

Before you start chemotherapy, we recommend that you take care of some of your basic health needs. If time permits, brush your teeth before, not during, chemotherapy. If you need major dental work, try to delay it until after chemotherapy. If you need to brush your teeth during chemotherapy, tell your doctor or nurse in advance and discuss any concerns.

A family member, friend or support person may accompany you to your chemotherapy session. We understand that cancer affects you as a person, as well as your family and loved ones.

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To varying degrees, all people with cancer struggle with the challenges of adjusting to these life changes. At the Cancer Center, we have a number of programs to support you throughout the process, such as a peer support program, support groups and individual counseling, which are available to all cancer patients.

Chemotherapy reduces the number of white blood cells (white blood cells) your body makes. Leukocytes are produced in the bone marrow and help fight infection. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fight infection. Often, your neutrophil count determines whether you will receive chemotherapy as scheduled.

A fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher or chills with or without fever can be a serious sign of infection. You should call your oncologist if you experience these symptoms, even if it’s at night or on the weekend.

How To Deal With Cancer Patient

Most often, infection occurs when the level of neutrophils is low. You are most susceptible to a bacterial infection about seven to 12 days after chemotherapy is given. Most bacterial infections are caused by your body’s inability to fight off normal bacteria found in your gastrointestinal tract or on your skin. Bacterial infections are not usually the result of being in a crowded place. So, if you feel good, we encourage you to continue going to the movies or eating out.

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However, viral infections such as colds and flu are common and easily spread from one person to another. To reduce the chance of infection, wash your hands often and avoid close contact with the sick person during this time.

Some people may experience flu-like symptoms, such as muscle aches, around the third day after chemotherapy. If you experience these pains, you can take over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Advil. If necessary, consult a doctor for stronger drugs.

Medicines called antiemetics or antinausea drugs are used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Not all chemotherapy drugs cause nausea. There are many anti-nausea medicines available and your doctor or nurse will recommend what they think will work best for you.

If possible, fill your prescriptions before the day of treatment. Please call your doctor or nurse if your medication does not provide adequate relief or if you experience side effects from your anti-nausea medication.

For Patients & Families

For more practical tips on how to manage nausea, schedule a free appointment with a nutritionist by contacting the Cancer and Family Support Center.

Chemotherapy can make you feel tired. This fatigue may or may not get worse as you go through more cycles of chemotherapy.

Most people have to make some adjustments to work and family responsibilities; the degree of change is very individual. Try to balance activity and rest. As much as possible, try to maintain daily activities. This can be very beneficial for both your physical and emotional recovery. Fatigue will go away as you recover from chemotherapy.

How To Deal With Cancer Patient

Many people find hair loss to be one of the most difficult aspects of chemotherapy. Not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss, so talk to your doctor or nurse about what to expect.

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Hair loss usually starts about two to three weeks after starting chemotherapy. Some people will lose relatively little hair, while others may lose hair on the head, eyelashes, and eyebrows, as well as other body hair. You may want to cover your head with a wig, scarf, hat, or turban, or you may not want to cover your head at all. Do what is more comfortable for you. Many people choose different outfits for different situations.

We have many resources to help you during this time, including the Friend to Friend Gift Shop and Look Good…Feel Better! program. Please visit the Cancer and Family Support Center for more tips and resources for shopping wigs and headwear.

If you decide to buy a wig, try to buy it while you still have your own hair to get the best color and style. You can ask your doctor for a prescription for a “cranial prosthesis” (ie a wig), as some insurance companies will only pay for a wig with a skull prosthesis prescription.

Your hair will start to grow back after you stop chemotherapy. It usually takes two to three months to see a change from no hair to little hair. Your new hair may be slightly different in color and texture from your old hair. New hair often becomes soft and frizzy, but usually returns to its original structure after a while.

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During chemotherapy, you may experience changes in taste and appetite, as well as increased sensitivity to smells. Don’t worry if you don’t have an appetite for the first few days or a week after chemotherapy; this is not unusual. When you feel better, your appetite will also improve.

Reflux – when food backs up into the esophagus – belching or a burning sensation can increase nausea. Please report these symptoms to your doctor or nurse so they can be treated. You may find that you tolerate only certain foods. During this time, we recommend eating what you like and drinking plenty of fluids: eight to ten eight-ounce glasses a day, more if you have a fever or diarrhea.

Healthy eating recommendations include a diet low in fat (less than 20 percent fat) and high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and plant-based proteins. Some people want to start dietary changes during active therapy; others prefer to wait until chemotherapy is over. Some people prefer small, slow changes, while others benefit from an “overhaul.” We encourage you to educate yourself and make healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle.

How To Deal With Cancer Patient

Many people gain weight during chemotherapy for reasons that are not well understood. Again, if you have any dietary concerns, please consult our nutritionist.

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Some chemotherapy drugs can cause diarrhea. If you have loose stools more than three or four times in 24 hours or have blood in your stool, call your doctor or nurse. DO NOT use an over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medicine such as Imodium unless your doctor or nurse has told you to.

Some chemotherapy drugs and anti-nausea drugs can cause constipation. You may also be more prone to constipation because your activity level and eating habits have changed. If you are constipated, see your doctor or nurse the same day.

Another side effect of chemotherapy can be mouth ulcers and discomfort when swallowing. Mouth ulcers occur because chemotherapy not only kills cancer cells, but also cells that divide rapidly, such as the cells that line the mouth and esophagus. Please call your doctor if you develop painful mouth ulcers or have difficulty swallowing. A special mouth rinse may be prescribed.

Neuropathy, which means disease or dysfunction of the nerves, can occur in some people. Some of the more common symptoms of chemotherapy-induced neuropathy include tingling and burning, numbness or pain in the affected areas, loss of position sense—you know where a body part is without looking at it—and loss of balance. The tips of the fingers and toes are most commonly affected, although other areas are sometimes affected.

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Tell your doctor about any symptoms you experience. Early detection and treatment is the best way to control symptoms and prevent further nerve damage.

In women, chemotherapy may be temporarily stopped

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