Finding A New Career Path

Finding A New Career Path – Instead, when career changes and other major life-changing experiences are at stake, people should use their “whole self” to help them make the decisions that are best for them. argued Timothy Butler, senior associate and faculty advisor for Careers and Professionals. Development programs at Harvard Business School. His research focuses on career decision making.

In this interview, Butler discusses his new book, The Four Elements: Finding Right Livelihood in the 21st Century, which outlines four key dimensions that can help people navigate career transitions: identity, community, need, and the horizon.

Finding A New Career Path

Finding A New Career Path

Timothy Butler: Much of my research has been driven by big data, using psychometric assessments to identify ways people find their way into the work roles and work environments that are most rewarding.

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This book was different. It is more of a reflection, looking back on my 40+ years of work as a psychologist and trainer of coaches and counselors. The question I asked was, “What issues are always present when individuals are faced with important career and life decisions?” I came up with a heuristic that I refer to as the Four Elements Model, which looks at four dimensions that are archetypal in that they are always present in these decision-making moments, whether we are aware of them or not.

Butler: Of course the first is identity. Identity is a lifelong project in which we, and at the same time the people in our world, have a growing sense of our place in the world in terms of our personal qualities, our deep-seated life interests, and the skills we bring to any situation . assigned. .

The two root questions for identity are: “What work roles allow me to express my deep life interests?” and “What are the signature skills I bring to any life situation?”

The second element is the community. The fundamental question for the community is: “What kind of people and what organizational cultures do we allow to flourish and make my greatest contribution?”

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The third element is necessity. It’s really important to understand our passions and find work that fulfills them, but we all live our lives in the gravitational field of necessity. The root question for the element of necessity is: “What are the non-negotiable obligations and constraints associated with my current work and life choices?”

The fourth element is horizon. The Horizon element is about where we are going in life; there is that in life that attracts us. This is the dimension that concerns our deepest sense of value, meaning and priority. The main question for the Horizon Element is: “How to fully understand and approach life?”

Gerdemen: In your work, how do you help individuals discover how the strength of each element affects their life situation?

Finding A New Career Path

Butler: At the core of my work with individuals and my writing on this topic is my model of implicit and symbolic intelligence. Each of us, at any moment, has the capacity to experience our entire life. Right now, as you sit here, you have what psychologist Eugene Gendlin calls a “deep sense” of how everything is coming together to provide your experience of your total life situation. However, you cannot use this tacit knowledge because it is preverbal, presymbolic.

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What you know deeply, but only implicitly, must be transformed into symbolic intelligence. This requires repeatedly finding a new language so that you can explain to yourself and others what is happening to you in all the arenas of the Four Elements. This movement from accessing tacit knowledge to finding new language for what is tacit is the core of my work in the coaching process. In the book The Four Elements, I guide the reader through this experience for each element.

Butler: Most of us, when faced with a life decision, fall back on our analytical intelligence. We try to use the brute force of thought to push the situation forward. What is required, however, is a new actual experience for our current reality and an implicit and symbolic understanding of that new experience. This will never come from our current conditioned mental model for solving problems, which is what our analytical intelligence does, even though this approach is highly rewarded in our current world culture.

In the book I teach the reader the practice of free attention. This is a process of not thinking for oneself, but actual self-observation in real time as our implicit senses are shaped by the current life situation. It is similar in some ways to some meditation practices. I take the reader into a state of free attention and then, for each of the elements and for a final integration, I lead them through an exercise specific to discovering the actual forces at play in each area of ​​the Four Elements .

For the identity element, we’re coming up with a fresh new language for everyday work activities that most likely fulfill, as well as a new language for our signature capabilities.

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For the community element, each reader is guided through a process that allows them to create their own personal model of organizational culture that allows them to identify the dimensions of a culture that are most important.

For Necessity, from a place of free attention, each reader is guided through an experience that helps them identify the most pressing needs and obligations in their lives in the present moment. These bonds may be very different from what they were even six months ago.

The Horizon exercise guides the reader to an understanding of what they already know about life fully, what people represent to them life fully, and what touchstones such as books, music, poetry, memories, places, experiences , objects, and so on alternately, allow them to fully reconnect with life.

Finding A New Career Path

Work with a member of our office, focused on your industry or location, to create a customized hiring strategy. Finding your passion is a step in the planning process for your career. As we grow up, we can be exposed to a variety of careers by the adults in our lives. However, we can only see a small part of the variety of careers available to us. We may not really think that there can be a career that fulfills our passion or commitment to something. Therefore, the first step in exploring career paths is to develop self-awareness.

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Self-knowledge means understanding the skills, interests, values, personal characteristics, and experiences that can inform your career choices. Consider the following as you evaluate what you know about yourself as you take your first step in career exploration:

Skills. Each person has unique abilities. Sometimes we don’t know our abilities. We all benefit from someone saying, “Hey, you’re really good at this!” Ask yourself and others in your life, “What am I good at?” Another way to discover your skills and abilities is to take individual assessments.

Interests. Think about the activities you enjoy doing and consider your skills and talents. Then set goals for a career that utilizes those interests, skills, and talents. Your interests can translate into a rewarding career. Consider taking an interest inventory or assessment to further explore the things you love.

Values. We all have values ​​that help us navigate our lives. This includes navigating the world of work. Will you give back to your community? Do you value creativity? There are many questions to ask yourself. Your strong values ​​can lead you to rewarding careers.

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Personal characteristics. Are you someone who feels connected to the outdoors? Do your friends come to you for advice? Are you on your way out? Are you very independent? Do you like alone time? Do you like to help others? Do you like to be creative? There are so many questions to ask yourself to gain self-knowledge and increase your chances of finding a career that fits who you are.

Experience. Your experiences can shape who you are, but they can also be a valuable springboard for a career you’re passionate about. Don’t forget to explore these experiences as you move toward a rewarding career.

Career assessments can be a useful tool in the process of developing your self-knowledge so that you can choose a career path that suits you. One such resource is the New York State CareerZone. This resource can help you explore careers related to your strengths, skills, and talents.

Finding A New Career Path

CareerZone is a website developed by the New York State Department of Labor for young adults. On this website you can do things like “Assess Yourself”, “View Occupations” and learn about the skills and training needed for the careers you are interested in. There are several career categories described on this website: Arts and Humanities; business and information systems; Engineering and Technology; health services; natural and environmental sciences; and human and public services.

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This website provides information on how much training and education is needed when finding a profession that matches your interests. This includes future career prospects such as

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